Okay caught this after english proejct meetup with Mabel and Wx. It's frigging scary i swear! Noone dared to sit the bottom half of the cinema except 2 stupid men who wanted to be hero. :O The girl sitting beside me was like screaming the whole time also. (ALSO - I screamed almost the whole time too) Yeah, it was really scary. Poor Christine okay. IM NEVER GONNA WORK IN A BANK OR WHATVER. Sylvia Garnish is one scary gypsy! Ahhhh. My heart was like about to jump out anytime okay. ><>
Im like considering whether to go watch it a second time. (although it's like quite silly)
Ohoh, and after the movie when we went to the toilet, 3 girls tapped Mabel and ' Err miss there's popcorn on your back.' (Mabel sweeps it off with shocked look!) 'Uhhhm there's some at the front too.' (Mabel mouth drop) HAHAH DAMN FUNNY LA. HER ESPRESSION WAS DAMN CLASSIC. I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN PHOTO OF IT OKAY! HAHAHA.
Mrt-ed home thereafter. :)