Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hihi people. Im back. ;)Actually i was back long ago. Hhaha okay. Hmm band today was okay? Was like quite boring in the beginning cos i was really tired and like very little people came. Yeah but afterthat sir came. And i suppose he was in a very very good mood. So he kept joking and laughing even though we played mama mia like shit. (it's out first time playing it!) And the notes are crazy. My part doesnt have any melody even though i play alto 1 except for one part. Which is mad-ness. HAHAH. Was so tired when i cmae back from band that the moment i lay on my sofa i was sleeping already. HAHAH PRO RIGHT. Yeahh thats how tired i was. Tmrw going out with Hongyu! Yay exciting. I wanna buy bags, dress, tops, bottoms. HAIYA, I WANNA BUY THE WHOLE WORLD OKAY. :D |