Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Okay hey world.Havent been blogging for past few days cos of my LOVELY sister. Hmm :/ Went for tuition on saturday and stupid june pangseh-ed me okay. Grrrrr. But nvm, she made me laughed still. Me, jiaxuan and jovin bluffed her that CHUCKY was cinderella's good friend and toy. And there was a show called Dreams and secrets of Cinderella and Chucky. (smth like that huh) Yeah. And she believed. She kept asking people who's chucky. Oh man, damn funny. I laughed till i cried okay. Hmm tmrw going to cut hair with Huixian. Hhaha yay. Okay la, im not gonna really cut. But just trim. :D I <3> Celebrated Jun hao's bd on saturday. Yupps, it was the bomb okay. Damn damn fun. :D Okok, gonna eat dinner now. Byezzzzzz. :) |