Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Hihihihihi. Today had tuition again. But it was rather fun. Sherwynn's sister came. Then we were playing stacko! Heheh damn fun. We were like small kiddys shouting when the building fell! hehe and calling each other hardcore and grossss. :D Oh i think June is damn funnny. :D Today we were laughing the whole time! And she loves playing with my hand. -.-" Hahha . Going sentosa with her on monday! With Liwei, Roy, Kengtian, Elicia and maybe somemore. Eh then like i only know June and Liwei la. Then so lonely! :((( Haiya dont care. :D Heheh i excited! :D :D :D Hmm tmrw have piano again. Hmm. Oh and meeting ah ma after piano to do geog project! Yay to see ah ma. Siannnn to do geog project. Oh manzxzx. Grrrrr. Kaiqi: I KNOW YOU'LL BE READING THIS. STOP COMING LA. SEE LA, ALMOST EVERYONE IN TM KNOWS ALREADYYYY! ALL YOUR FAULT ALL YOUR FAULT! But your kuku-ness today made me laugh. So yeah, you'll be pardoned. :D :D |