Okay back from my 1 hour nap before dinner and back from dinner too! :)
Hmm so back to activities from today. Overslept by super alot. So when amanda called me at 10+ (we were supposed to meet at 10 man), i literally jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes, go to the toilet, brush my teeth/use toilet/change AT THE SAME TIME. Yeah that was like how anxious i was. Then like packed all my stuffs and didnt even bother to comb my hair and run out of the house less than 10 mins la! Omgomgomg. Break record. Then was like runnning then saw security guard and he wanted to lend me his bike to cycle out (he saw i was looking damn flustered) Then becos i didnt ride for veh long so i just shouted while running thankq. Then while i run i comb. BUT IT WASNT TO ANY USE. COS IT GOT MESSIER. Yeah, then waited for 70 for super long. Then finally reached there.
Was panting like some crazy mad woman i tell you. Then started work. Blah blah blah. Then we went for lunch at food junction. And the moment i sat down then someone called me.
Person: Hello lingyi ah.
Me: Err hello. Who're you ah?
Person: Oh im MRS TEO.
Me: (jump up) HUH?
*chat goes on*
Walao! Scare me i tell you. I was like. ' omg, did i like do smth wrong' HHAHAH. Yeah then laugh like crazy at food junction. MABEL ORDERED MEE POK BUT SHE DOESN'T EATS ANYHTING BUT THE NOODLE AND MUSHROOM OKAY. And i told her the pig liver was cuttlefish (it looked like okay) and she took a bite. And she felt so disgusted after she knew it was pig liver! Hahah okay anw alot of funny things happen in there! Then i laugh until stomach pain.
Yeah then went back to bishan library. Then we needed to pull the masking tape. But yet it'll be too loud. So we went to the lift and pull. Then a woman came in.
Us: You mind if we pull masking tape?
Woman: Err no, go ahead. (pause awhile) You having party is it?
Yeah funny. Then we kept laughing! Yeah then we went to sit at our same place. AND STUPID BUNCH OF BOYS. KEPT STARING LA I TELL YOU. THEN LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. Then the boy wearing blue one, everytime i caught him staring i roll my eyes at him. Then he'll act shy. OMG GROSS I TELL YOU.
Then we did our stuffs, and a stupid security guard came to us.
Security guard: Hello mdm, you are making far too much noise. I received 3 complains about the stretch of you here *points to boys, us, and few others* Please go out of the library. *tells others also*
Us: Huh? But we were very quiet you know. *pretended not to hear, continue with our work*
SG: *stand at lift there watch us walk in ah*
ASSHOLE OKAY. Then wanxuan was using phone. Then SG 'sorry mdm, no hp's allowed.' Wanxuan heckcare, just go into lift.
Yeah we were like rather angry over it la! And we kept complaining. But it was the joke of the day! We were laughing at it non-stop, like crazy. I didnt laugh so hard for like quite long alr!
Yeah so we proceeded to serangoon macs and we did outside. (we were scared we'll get chased out again if we used inside) Yeah and everyone seemed to be suepr amused with us. Like a little boy and girl eating their ice-cream stared at us WHOLE-TIME. Hahah am i that attractive? :D
Then more jokes took place and finally we finished.
Bus-ed home afterthat. Then in the bus i suddenly thought of the library scene and started laughing to myself okay. Omg damn embarrassing. Luckily there wasnt much people and only 2 boys heard me laughing and they gave me their are-you-mad eyes. ><
PS: Mae-ann took the photo with me and grass up there! It's pretty nice. :)