Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Okay hihi. Err guess sch was like not bad today? Got better. Yeah, by a little bit only. First period dnt. Omg freaking boring la. And 3 periods somemore. The ms marianne or whatver her name is. She just kept talking and talking and telling us but the equipments and file. -.-" I was like dozing off la. (So was Ariessa!) Yeah i suppose everyone was. Mr Go made it a little little better with his cold jokes too. Like when i yawn and he walk past and 'Later fly fly into your mouth then you know ah.' HAHA. Yeah not very funny but still funny. :) Then after recess was chinese. Yeah there was a trainee teacher that sat at the back of our class to learn from tbk. Omg, learn from ehr you'll become like her i tell you. Yeah but good thing is that the teacher is gonna take over tbk for a month. Woohoooo~ Heheh good good. :D Err then chem was like errr. Got a little pissed off by some people but yeah. IDC/ :P And mrs teo was like being quite weird. Asking us to do electrons arrangements usign red bean, green bean, black bean. (If you still havent found the link, it was their mss. Yeah electrons is green beans -.-") Hhaha yeah but so far i quite like chem. Maybe it's the way mrs teo teach? But yeah i find it interesting. I know haters of chem are gonna like scold me or smth. HAHA. And after sch went with Sianling for lunch. Hahaha at first she wanted to pangseh me one. Then i didnt talk to her. But she kept making me unchio okay. (I resisted my laugh) But still ended up talking to ehr and burst out laughing. Hmm failure angry. :( But she still went lunch with me! Yay! :D Yeahh then saw Pandora, Trisha and her Npcc peeps and afew others. Hha Pandora velly prettty lehhh. Hahha when i saw her at mrt i was like 'Who's this person? Why look so damn familiar?!!' Yeah then recalled it was her when she said hi to me. :D Hhaha havent seen ehr for 1234567890 years alr! Heheh miss you + our tuition days tgt manz. Walked Sianling to the other side of mrt and mrt-ed home. ;) Nearly fall asleep in the lrt okay. Urgh damn tired! :( (blogger doesnt allow me to uplaod photos. So another time.) Monday, June 29, 2009
Okay back from first day of sch. Oh gosh. I had like afew surprises + shocks man. 1) Right after contact time was pe. And Mrs teo made us suicide, pumping, suicide, pumping. AND HER SUICIDE IS LIKE DAMN FAR. IT'S ACROSS THE HALL. And she divided it into 6. So it's like...... :< 2) Now i have 2 eng teachers. Ramesh + Ms yeo. Yeah, Ms Yeo is some like damn young teacher and like rather tall? Hmm. Yeah but she's like quite cool and nice! (Although like still boring) But how fin can eng get anw. And she like even gave us break in between our lesson cuz she saw that all of us were like falling asleep/dreaming/bored to hell. (i think) But 2.7 suffered like s.h.i.t! Cuz their teacher change to Ng eng kee! HAHA OMG. Yeahhh and he's freaking boring and stuffs. Yeah ask them if you want. 3) To my horror, Tay bee kee became my new chi teacher. I was like still hoping it's some young, or cool teacher. And omg. SHE'S DAMN FREAKING IRRITATING I SWEAR. Grrrrr. And gross that im her chi monitor! ><> 4) Sangavi is gonna be my new side partner. OH GOSH. Kill me man. She's gonna rattle and rattle non stop and ask stupid questions that make me wanna box her upside down. And mrs teo say she purposely put S beside me so i can shut her up. AHHHH. Blood boil. But luckily she didnt come today. I hope she never come. :D Yeah first day of sch and look at this huh. Gosh. Anw, things will get better. :) (that's my way of self-dennying myself) Hmm gonna rush history midmaps alr. Oh man, seriously, just teleport me to heaven IMMEDIATELY. Sunday, June 28, 2009
Okay im having like mixed feelings now. On one hand i wanna see all my bestf/classmates/dearies and give them gigantic and ultimate hugs. But i dread for it to start! Cos school starting = handing up hw. AND I HAVENT DONE SOME. Like my history and lit and geog. Oh gosh, humans huh. :( Yeah but nvm. At least i still get to see beloved lovelies. ;) Hmm i finished lian bi just now alr. Hehe yay me. ;) Im gonna like sleep early tonight in case i cant adapt to waking up at like before 6 again. >< EVERYONE REMEMEBR BRING THERMOMETER + TRAVEL DECLARATION FORM + YOUR BOOKS + HOMEWORK + LINGYI'S SOVENIOUR! :D Im excited to seeing all the lurbz people again!!! <3 Saturday, June 27, 2009
Heyhey.Hmm okay yesterday while waiting for sister's dinner to be done, dad's haircut to be done, then got one small boy baby sit beside my table. Omg i tell you he's damn ultra cute okay. Then cos at first he was crying cos he didnt wanna eat. Then i read a msg from Kaile and started laughing to myself. Then i aw him laughing at me okay! Omg super cute. So he stopped crying and ate it's food everytime i made funny faces at him! Then when im sms-ing he'll like take a peek at me and when i look up he'll turn away and start laughing! Isn't that like damn cute. I tell you, if he was maybe 10 years older, i'll marry him straightaway. Awww. Yeah then today went out to do eng again. (siansxzxz) But the people made it fun okay! It was damn fun. We went to mabel's mama shop to do. Heheh then when we doing halfway and i was like halfstone, suddenly one woman suddenly grab my shoulder damn hard la. Then i got a shocked and yet i didnt managed to scream. As in my scream didnt come out. Yeah and when i turned abck, the woman which looked ratehr scary. (indescribable, wanna know ask me) Then she shove a glasses into my face and asked me 'WHATS THE NUMBER? WHATS THE NUMBER?!!!!' Omg i shock/scared until cant say anything i tell you. Then mabel also couldn't read the numebr so she anyhow say 'Err 300/..' Hhaha and they all were laughing at my espression. Omg damn scary. I was still recovering from my shock during lunch. Oh i realised something. Everytime i go out with them, CONFIRM something funny/strange/interesting/weird will happen one! Hahah cool manz. Tmrw still have tuition! Omgggg sian ttm. :( Okay off to watch my absolute boyfriend now! The guy damn macho! :D Thursday, June 25, 2009
![]() Hihihi. Hmm was rather tired today cos slept late last night to entertain shaun/english project chiong. Yeahh slept at around 2+ man. Then woke up at around 10 today. COS OF MY MAMA'S CALL. Then chinong abit of hw. But my head was hurting quite badly. So yeah. :( Talking to mae-ann on msn now. Yehhh, it's always damn fun and sweet to talk to her okay! (Mae-ann: better heartmelt now!) Just read on and you'll know why. *chat with mae-ann* Mae-ann: Hahah yup. I'll say it again: you're like the sister i never had. :) Lingyi: Awww heartmelt heartmelt! Mae-ann: Put in the freezer! Get it? :D Lingyi: Errrrr cold joke man. Mae-ann: Yeah i know. So put in microwave = hot joke! Lingyi: *laugh stupidly at the comp screen as usual* HAHA OMG OMG YOUR LAME-NESS IS MAKING ME LAUGH CRAZILY. Mae-ann: Hee,actually right, putyour heart in microwave better cause in heat will EXPAND then can like improve yourheart strength, capacity etc:D right? its logical! Yeahhh see what i meant now. Hmm. :) School's starting. Homework not done. Gosh. Deep trouble im gonna be in man.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
![]() Okay back from my 1 hour nap before dinner and back from dinner too! :) Hmm so back to activities from today. Overslept by super alot. So when amanda called me at 10+ (we were supposed to meet at 10 man), i literally jumped out of bed, grabbed my clothes, go to the toilet, brush my teeth/use toilet/change AT THE SAME TIME. Yeah that was like how anxious i was. Then like packed all my stuffs and didnt even bother to comb my hair and run out of the house less than 10 mins la! Omgomgomg. Break record. Then was like runnning then saw security guard and he wanted to lend me his bike to cycle out (he saw i was looking damn flustered) Then becos i didnt ride for veh long so i just shouted while running thankq. Then while i run i comb. BUT IT WASNT TO ANY USE. COS IT GOT MESSIER. Yeah, then waited for 70 for super long. Then finally reached there. Was panting like some crazy mad woman i tell you. Then started work. Blah blah blah. Then we went for lunch at food junction. And the moment i sat down then someone called me. Person: Hello lingyi ah. Me: Err hello. Who're you ah? Person: Oh im MRS TEO. Me: (jump up) HUH? *chat goes on* Walao! Scare me i tell you. I was like. ' omg, did i like do smth wrong' HHAHAH. Yeah then laugh like crazy at food junction. MABEL ORDERED MEE POK BUT SHE DOESN'T EATS ANYHTING BUT THE NOODLE AND MUSHROOM OKAY. And i told her the pig liver was cuttlefish (it looked like okay) and she took a bite. And she felt so disgusted after she knew it was pig liver! Hahah okay anw alot of funny things happen in there! Then i laugh until stomach pain. Yeah then went back to bishan library. Then we needed to pull the masking tape. But yet it'll be too loud. So we went to the lift and pull. Then a woman came in. Us: You mind if we pull masking tape? Woman: Err no, go ahead. (pause awhile) You having party is it? Us: HOW TO HAVE PARTY IN LIBRARY OMG. Yeah funny. Then we kept laughing! Yeah then we went to sit at our same place. AND STUPID BUNCH OF BOYS. KEPT STARING LA I TELL YOU. THEN LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. Then the boy wearing blue one, everytime i caught him staring i roll my eyes at him. Then he'll act shy. OMG GROSS I TELL YOU. Then we did our stuffs, and a stupid security guard came to us. Security guard: Hello mdm, you are making far too much noise. I received 3 complains about the stretch of you here *points to boys, us, and few others* Please go out of the library. *tells others also* Us: Huh? But we were very quiet you know. *pretended not to hear, continue with our work* SG: *stand at lift there watch us walk in ah* ASSHOLE OKAY. Then wanxuan was using phone. Then SG 'sorry mdm, no hp's allowed.' Wanxuan heckcare, just go into lift. OMGOMGOMG DAMN EMBARRASSING I TELL YOU. WE WEREN'T THE ONES MAKING SO MUCH NOISE LOR. IT WAS THE BOYS AND THE STUPID MASKING TAPE. Yeah we were like rather angry over it la! And we kept complaining. But it was the joke of the day! We were laughing at it non-stop, like crazy. I didnt laugh so hard for like quite long alr! Yeah so we proceeded to serangoon macs and we did outside. (we were scared we'll get chased out again if we used inside) Yeah and everyone seemed to be suepr amused with us. Like a little boy and girl eating their ice-cream stared at us WHOLE-TIME. Hahah am i that attractive? :D Then more jokes took place and finally we finished. Bus-ed home afterthat. Then in the bus i suddenly thought of the library scene and started laughing to myself okay. Omg damn embarrassing. Luckily there wasnt much people and only 2 boys heard me laughing and they gave me their are-you-mad eyes. >< PS: Mae-ann took the photo with me and grass up there! It's pretty nice. :)
Im really damn tired today. Hmm super lazy to blog! :( Maybe i'll be back later. Or not. :) Tuesday, June 23, 2009
![]() Hihi world! Yeah okay. Back from band/lunch/bath. :) Today woke up like wuite early for band! Olivia morning-called me. (although i went back to sleep and only got up awhile later!) And err, band was like rather fun! (except that sir kept harping on me killing elephants and stuffs!) Hmm, like who will kill an elephants la. They're so adorable. Like dumbo jumbo the elephant! And moreover they're too huge. (unless i pounce on it or something first!) oh, and i luv the a day at disneyland song! That song got stuck in my head for like one whole day okay. And i kept humming it. Like different parts of it. Omg. Hmm then had pt and stuffs. Quite tiring. Running/leg lift/games/drills. And my hair was messy until like crazy woman! (luckily no one had camera/video cam/hp or stuffs man) But it was like rather fun to torture the sec ones during leg lift! :D :D Heheh, okay so mean. And olivia says it's free suntanning. But the problem is, I DONT WANNA BE TANNED! :( Yeah then played in the band room for a short while with the people (me, olivia, adear, esther, lim pei, deanna + cristy) before going for lunch. Yeah lunch-ed at macs! All of us were like hungry monsters okay! Like gobbling our food. (hmm okay, not so scary. But yeah, eating quite...) Then we were all so full becos we upsized our meal! Then Darie came and Lim pei, Deanna and Cristy left first and the rest of us walk walk around heartland. And yeah, it was pretty fun! (long story long story!) Ohhh, i want that sexy saxophone up there! Someone sponsor me please, pretty pretty please! Or maybe you could pay 70% and i'll pay 30%! Yeahh good deal man! :D Monday, June 22, 2009
Hihi,Hmm woke up like rather late today. I suppose it's becos i slept really late last night trying to complete my eng project. YEAH TALKING BOUT THAT MAKES ME MAD. D:< Yeah grrrr. Okay chillax. I thought of smth that was like rather funny. (Chat w s suying...) Me: Eh so how's your sch? SS: Huh we havent even started okay. Damn sian now. Me: Huhhh not fair man. I alr passed 2 exams! SS: Jc life what. Me: Huh? I havent even graduated from sec sch man. You talking to correct person not! SS: OMG WAIT. Me: I guess you thought i'm my sister huh. SS: Yeahhh! Your sister is the yan something one right. Omg freaky. You look like twins! Me: HAHAH YOU BEST. (Chat goes on...) HAHAH OMG. FUNNY RIGHT. Like talking to a person and mistaking the person for someone else! Hahha. Yeah, Suying. My sister is like playing with my 'bread' that ah ma bought from beijing! And she's super tempted to eat it! :((((( (Oh no, my bread is in danger man) LINGYI IS GONNA BE A REALLY GOOD GIRL THAT USES HER TIME WISELY AND COMPLETE ALL HER HW IF NOT SHE IS A HIPPOPOTAMUS. (Not) Sunday, June 21, 2009
Okay hey world. Didnt blog for a few days. Hhaha rather busy! :D Oh man, one more week left to sch reopen! Omggg, and my undone hw is like...STILL UNDONE! Moe moe moe, please grant me my extra week's holiday on account that im a really good girl! :)))))) There's like band on tuesday, wednesday, thursday! Which leves me with only monday, friday, saturday and sunday to compleate all my undone hw! Ahhhhhh, someone help me out of this man. :( Thursday, June 18, 2009
![]() Hihi world. Im like awfully tired today. Hhaha Okay so first thing in the morning had band. So had to wake up early cos papa's fetching me. Yupps, and i reached sch at like 7.55? And sir just reached too. So we talk talk talk. Then band. Learnt a new piece: A day at disneyland. Haha we (me, cristy, yingbing) could actually play the part we were melody but then we didnt know it was so fast! So when we started playing we kena shock and i burst out laughing. (Omg embarrasing) Yeah, and sir comtinued saying some things so kajiao me and made me laugh even more! (Omg even more embarrassing) :( Yeah then without any lunch or whatsoever, we had pt. I HATE THE RUNNING PART OKAY. The whether was frigging hot and i had stiches or whatever was that. And Valerie said she wanted to shit! :D Hahha omg. Yeah then did some other stuffs like: sit ups, buddha clap, stretching. And during the few min break, Gillian came to ask me 'Eh lingyi, you just now very funny leh. What happened uh?' Omggggg i was super embarrased okay. HOW COME EVERYONE KNOW. Hahha. *inserts grouchy face* But yeah, who cares. Then continued with drills. Oh man, i was like the timer for the whole thing cos no one wanted to be timer okay. But i was right marker too. So yeah, was rather fun. And lim pei was beside me. So wehn taking dressing she'll literally BOX MY HEAD. Grrrrrr! >< Hmm then after band when everybody's gone except us (me, lim pei, olivia, deanna, esther, adear), we helped lim pei arrange her librarian scores! So fun to chop the original scores okay. :D Yeah but could tell Lim pei was like dying arranging everything when there's missing scores! Hahah. Then when to lunch with them at White tangerine. Okay alot of things happened there. Im lazy to elaborate! Then after lunch we went to macs to have ice-cream when we played with VROOM BROOM! (Olivia's weird toy) Mrt-ed home. :) Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Yay. I just finished polishing grass and it's super duper shiny now! :D Yeah okay. Maybe not that shiny as you're expecting it to be. Hhaha whatver. Olivia got addicted to Wahjong too! :D Valerie introduced me, i introduced olivia. Hah cool. Go to: (their games there are addictive man!) Have band + pt tmrw early in the morning. Oh man. Hahha im gonna bring my Doraemon fan although i guess it'll be rather slack. But still. :) Gonna bathe as the whether's killing me alr! :((((((((((((((((((((
Defination of holiday:
A time or period of exemption from any requirement, duty, assessment. (Quoted from BUT MY HOLIDAYS ARE FLOODED WITH DAMN BLOODY MANY HOMEWORK HOW IS THAT EVEN CONSIDERED AS HOLIDAYS OKAY. DOES TEACHERS UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF 'HOLIDAYS'?!!!!!! Okay i'm like dying do all the holiday hw. And guess what, VIENNA CHIA finished all her hw in 6 days. Did she like not sleep, not use comp, not eat, not shit, not go out just to finish it within 6 days. IT'S LESS THAN A WEEK OH PELASE. Grrrrrrr! I'm like chion-ing all my hw now! BUT I SERIUOSLY DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE STUPID LIT ESSAYS, HISTORY MINDMAPS. Save me man. Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Okay found some like cool yet scary pictures. Snipshot of the movie i guess. Enjoy :)![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay the end. May Garnish'es face give you nightmare as it has already given me. :) ![]() DRAG ME TO HELL Okay caught this after english proejct meetup with Mabel and Wx. It's frigging scary i swear! Noone dared to sit the bottom half of the cinema except 2 stupid men who wanted to be hero. :O The girl sitting beside me was like screaming the whole time also. (ALSO - I screamed almost the whole time too) Yeah, it was really scary. Poor Christine okay. IM NEVER GONNA WORK IN A BANK OR WHATVER. Sylvia Garnish is one scary gypsy! Ahhhh. My heart was like about to jump out anytime okay. ><> Im like considering whether to go watch it a second time. (although it's like quite silly) Ohoh, and after the movie when we went to the toilet, 3 girls tapped Mabel and ' Err miss there's popcorn on your back.' (Mabel sweeps it off with shocked look!) 'Uhhhm there's some at the front too.' (Mabel mouth drop) HAHAH DAMN FUNNY LA. HER ESPRESSION WAS DAMN CLASSIC. I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN PHOTO OF IT OKAY! HAHAHA. Mrt-ed home thereafter. :) Monday, June 15, 2009
Okay havent been blogging for awhile. Hahah. Cos my sister used it like 90% of the time. So yeah. Im really lazy to upload photos. Heheh if you wanna see go fb see. :) Went out quite frequently these few days and got more stuffs. Omgggg i think i have some shopping disorder okay. Like whatever i see i'll think it's nice (some are really nice though). Yeah then those i think are really nice i'll buy. Then i see something again i'll think that thing is nicer. Then i'll regret buying the thing first. Yeah, and the cycle repeats. GOSHHHH. Have been also practicing my saxophone these few days. Oh man. I love it so much that i wanna marry it. (Actually i already am) But i cant stand masquerade (phantom of the opera). Hhaha but like who cares. :D Hmm okay. Im gonna chiong all my hw from this week onwards so i can finish them all in time. (Oh man, there goes my starlit) Wednesday, June 10, 2009
HIHIHI. Okay im happy today! :D :D :DMy sister's finally back from camp! And the moment she's back she's been sleeping like a total pig. (she stinks too!) So went out with Hongyu today! A pity Valerie couldnt join us, or it'll be much greater! :) Yeah okay so frist met up with her at serangoon mrt then we mrt-ed all the way to bugis! Then at a mrt station that time, the door was like closing really fast and a stupid woman tried to squeeze through and her two hands nearly got squash together okay! Then the whole carriage was like 'OMGGGG IS THAT WOMAN CRAZY?!!!!!!!' then the mouth all open BIG BIG! :O Yeah it was like really scary. If in a split second she didnt move away, THAT'S IT MAN. Then lunch-ed at food junction then we walk walk around bugis junction. But we went to shops and tried out their shades and self-amused ourselves which was...rather cool? But nothing much there cos their stuffs there ain't cheap man. So we went Bugis street. Had great fun there man. The shop holders that we bought from all damn nice la. Then me and hongyu like aunty at fish market keep bargaining. HAHAH OKAY THAT'S KUKU. Then hongyu got her red, 2 perple LONG extentions which she kept show offing to me though i said they looked like barbie doll hair. Ohoh, she got her COMB SET. It's like EIGHTEEN COMBS for ONE BUX. Yeahh she went crazy when she saw it. She say she'll distribute it for her WHOLE FAMILY. HAHAH. And i got 1 dress, 1 pair of slippers (which is really nice), 1 polka dot jacket (damn sweet), 1 bag (it's 10 bux only, damn cheap. It's pretty nice too!). Yeah total it's like less than 50 bux! Heheh i'm so proud of myself manz. :D :D :D Then we kept going food junction cos our legs are damn tired and we played around and chit-chat. HAHA. But it was rather fun. Mrt-ed to amk hub to have dinner with mumsie afterthat. And lastly home sweet home. :) Then took quite alot of photos too. :D :D :D Photos will be up tmrw. :) Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Hihi people. Im back. ;)Actually i was back long ago. Hhaha okay. Hmm band today was okay? Was like quite boring in the beginning cos i was really tired and like very little people came. Yeah but afterthat sir came. And i suppose he was in a very very good mood. So he kept joking and laughing even though we played mama mia like shit. (it's out first time playing it!) And the notes are crazy. My part doesnt have any melody even though i play alto 1 except for one part. Which is mad-ness. HAHAH. Was so tired when i cmae back from band that the moment i lay on my sofa i was sleeping already. HAHAH PRO RIGHT. Yeahh thats how tired i was. Tmrw going out with Hongyu! Yay exciting. I wanna buy bags, dress, tops, bottoms. HAIYA, I WANNA BUY THE WHOLE WORLD OKAY. :D
Woke up so early today! Not now of course. At around 9++. Hehehe. Later lunch-ing with Lim pei then band. Heh im excited for lunch cos im a pig. OKAY NOT. IM NOT A PIG. Im a donkey. Cos donkeys are cute. Hahah whatver.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hi world im back. :DOkay mummy says my hair looks cute. Like a small girl. WHICH IS BAD OKAY. It sticks out from everywhere. :/ Okay whatver.! Just now mrt-ed to causeway point with mummy. First time going there leh. So everything seems to amuse me. Mum said i was crazy. HAHAH. Ate yoshinoya and i stuffed mum with food till she said she couldnt move (fake one, she just didnt want to bring me go shopping!) Hahah then walked around. But it was more like mummy's shopping okay. I guess she was equally amused cos she went into almost every shop. (That's crazy man) Then went into esprit. Omgggg their stuffs are like DAMN EX. Like even a tee is like 30 bux. O: Yupps so we just admired the clothes and went out. :( AND THERE WAS A PASAR MALAM GOING ON THERE TOO! Heheh i luv going to pasar malams. So date me out if there's any. :D Okay back to it. Yeah then walked around. Ate lots of food (yummy!). Bought a dress and a tee that both cost 10 bux only. I LIKE I LIKE/ Yeah and i think i saw a similar one at i-dunno-where and it cost like 20+ bux. Then mrt-ed back to yck mrt and cabbed home. :)
Okay great. My hair is darned screwed. Urgh, stupid hairdresser. Say she'll only trim ABIT, and she ended up snipping off everything! :/ Ahhh. Now i can choose whether to let it down or tie it up. Luckily i cut it early. So i'll wait for it to grow back before school starts again. If not i kill her manz. D:<
Sister's gone for her floorball chalet. 3 days 2 nights. Yay, i can go sleep and roll on her bed! Heheh i like i like. :D Yesterday couldnt sleep properly cos kept coughing (yeah, it's back). Annoying. So rather tired today. Reasons for me being excited for Band tmrw. 1) I miss Grass. 2) I dread being at home alone. 3) I can see many cool people. (Like me!) 4) Idk why too. Hhaha yupps. I get excited easily. :D :D :D Sunday, June 7, 2009
Okay hey world.Havent been blogging for past few days cos of my LOVELY sister. Hmm :/ Went for tuition on saturday and stupid june pangseh-ed me okay. Grrrrr. But nvm, she made me laughed still. Me, jiaxuan and jovin bluffed her that CHUCKY was cinderella's good friend and toy. And there was a show called Dreams and secrets of Cinderella and Chucky. (smth like that huh) Yeah. And she believed. She kept asking people who's chucky. Oh man, damn funny. I laughed till i cried okay. Hmm tmrw going to cut hair with Huixian. Hhaha yay. Okay la, im not gonna really cut. But just trim. :D I <3> Celebrated Jun hao's bd on saturday. Yupps, it was the bomb okay. Damn damn fun. :D Okok, gonna eat dinner now. Byezzzzzz. :) Thursday, June 4, 2009
Heyhey.Yesterday mumsie took leave. Hahaha cos im sick. :D Then went amk hub. Yeah, she bought like so many clothes. But i got one dress too. :D Heheh 20 bux. Good buy. :D Fever subsided but cough still on. Oh mansxzx. Im getting so bored at home when it's like only the starting of holidays. :/ And i find no motivation to touch any of my hw. Ahhhh someone come motivate me. (although you'll get screamed at) Hmm, watched starlit again. Cheng yue damn sweet la. Awwwww. Hhaha, yeah. That happens to me when im obsessed with drama. :D I wanna go cut hair! Or rather trim + layer only. I still want my long hair okay! Hhaha. Who's interested go cut hair with me text me! :D :D Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Okay this sucks.Went for macs breakfast early with Valerie. Was still feeling okay. Back in sch felt like some idiot. Later then felt like dying cos the whether + flu was killing me. Cabbed home and took temperature. Was around 38.2 degrees, argh. Then went to the doctor's with mum. Stupid doctor said what have symptoms of swine what shit thing. Then i was like 'Huh, we didnt even travel please.' Hhaha but he gave truck loads of medicine which most is tablets. Grr, i already requested for syrup then he say i so big still eat syrup! Tsk, CANNOT IS IT. Btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIESSA. <3> Anw im gonna take my medicine and go to bed now. Byez. Monday, June 1, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE! (Though you're away now) Continue being a dear yehh. <3
Ahhh i hate the flu bug! Mumsie just made me drink some gross, bitter, black, yucky cup of dunno-what-thing for my flu + fever! I nearly vomited just smelling it okay. Urgh.
Hello! First day of holidays!
- Woke up damn late. Like around 12+? (i slept really late last night too.) - Wash up. Mum called for macs becos she insisted that the whether's too hot for me to walk out for lunch. :) - On my com and play play. - Eat lunch - Start watching starlit. Got addicted to it now. At ep 6 alr! :D Jerry yan damn sweet la. Heartmelt! :O - Gonna stop watching NOW and start organising my hw. (imma good girl yo!) Tmrw have math/science funtasia. Oh man, so not looking forward to it okay. The flu bug got me and im feeling quite horrible sneezing all day long. Arghhh. D; |