Thursday 21/5
-Skipped all lessons except Chinese and Lit (Ms dong wasnt here too. Yay!)
-Went to help with all inline skating peeps in health carnival.
- The sec ones were obviously trying to make me deaf, impatient and lastly box them.
- 1.5 is the worst. All cling onto wall and scream. -.-" Damn funny.
- Made new friends. (NEO XINYI) "Dont tounch me laaa." Hah inside joke.
- Went fro band, practiced for p6 open house.
- Home.
Friday 22/5
- Fruits Day. (though everyone didnt bring any fruits)
- Got back history paper. Hmm did quite okay la. (Not as bad as what ms chia made us out to be :])
- Got back english result too. Very happy. ;D
- Live was as usual liek shit. Just that this time not so shitty. HAH.
- Valerie's house to do fondue. Fondue was successful! :D
- Play play jump jump eat eat watch watch = Fun-ness
- Valerie's mama treat me to HANS although the spagetti not that nice. But still. So sweet right. :)
- Train down to ah ma house.
- My cousin's maid managed to french braid my hair so nicely and pretty-ly! Haha. I helped my cousin braid hers too! :D
Saturday 23/5
- Woke up early in the morning to go to school for p6 open house
- Practice practice play play till go down at 10.
- Play RUM-BAH and WHEN IM SIXTY FOUR like many times
- And stupid parents pissed us off and made us so fed up. Especially to the fact that we were sweating like crazy in our many-layers-band-uniform
- They didnt even bother to clap even though Iz announced through microphone already.
- Treat us as background music huh. Bllody hell!!!
- One stupid guy even sat down there shaking his head and kept murmuring stuffs to his wife and shake shake. LIKE TO SHAKE SO MUCH GO HOME SHAKE LA YOU.
- White tangerine with Adear and Iz.
-Learnt a magiv trick from Iz! Woohoo~ Imma genius yo! :D
- Was around 45 mins late for tuition (but who cares man)
- Was like a kuku bringing all my stuffs to there. -.-"
- June went with me to buy the shirt i've been eyeing for! (yay luv it lotz!)
- June pangshe-ed me halfway cos she needed to go home
- Was ANGRY with KONG JIAXUAN during science cos she insulted BAND and ME. Grrr.
- Home sweet home.
Then when i came home. I found out that mummy changed my bedsheet. To TORTOISE. Remind me of .....! Omgggg.
Valerie says:*haha*than u go kiss the turtle*means you kissing MR PANG
LINGYI :) says:*Eeeee*I lie on him and squash him!*Heeeeheheh
Valerie says:*haha*you veh bad
LINGYI :) says:*Hahha of course!*Then what you want me to do?*But i'll be hugging my bolster leh*Die
Valerie says:*haha*OMG*YOU ARE HUGGING MR PANG
LINGYI :) says:*Ewwww*Nahnahs*I'll be huggin the cute turtle on my bolster*NOT HIM *:S
Valerie says:*eeeeeeeeee*But it will still look like him*haha
LINGYI :) says:*Nono. The turtle look so adorable lor*Dont have the blur blur look!
Okay, next is pictures. I wont put anything. Just pictures okay. :)

Woah, so long. Hahahah. Ok gonna sleep now. Have to wake up early tmrw again! ><