Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Okay, haven't been blogging for few days. Gonna be fast cos my sister's chasing me like a crazy woman! :(Hmm, I'll detail blog tmrw yeh. :) Trail baking at Valerie's house today was fun! :D Hee. Will talk bout yesterday's and today's happenings tmrw okay! With all the pictures too! :) My cousin's maid french braided my hair then become so nice! Woohooo~ She so pro. My hair so short also can. Hee. But she tie 2. :D I'll show you tmrw! :) Tmrw having p6 open house. Have to go school so early! Waahh, crazy people. Then after it ends i must go lunch myself. :((( Mii wei not free, olivia not free, sian ling not free, celine not free, i doubt Fong will want. Oh man. :( Arghh. Nvm, i shall self entertain myself for that period of time and go siaocharbor then! :D Hahah Okok, gonna pack stuffs now. Byez. :) |