Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Yay, i feel HAPPY today! Hahah, i know im like crazy? :S Went for sectionals. Actually not really la, its only me, mae ann, rachel and olivia! Had quite alot of fun! :D I finally got the triplets part right! But i think tmrw i'll get it wrong agian. :( Rachel she teach quite good leh, (but quite irritating)! Cos she made me repeat many many times. :) But she's still nice. Then she left. Then after awhile olivia left too! Then me and mae ann started playing/practicing! We on the radio practice but the praise variant the radio so so fast laaa! Then make me so gan chiong! And i learn how to play A LITTLE BIT of the snare drum! Yayyyy! :D Then bus-ed home with her after bbt adn snacks! :D Heh, im veh nice. I'll keep her unglam till i really needa use it! Hohoho! :P And then in the train today, i kept sms-ing mae-ann that when i saw train, i just ran to it, not realising it was the HABOURFRONT TRAIN. And i was suppose to go to SENGKANG. And i only realised at around serangoon! So i got off and boarded the correct train! Roarrrr! So kuku la! LOW LING YI! you're a nice nice nice junior! though you hold your saxo in a funny way, you still look cute!you're a nice sms buddy and i'll never forget how i first met you.shopping with you is fun and we should go out again soon :Dlove,me :):) From mae-ann on ehr blog! So sweet right. this is my 'online post it' reply! Hahah. And I totally forgotten how we knew each other! then now mae-ann is making me laugh like an idiot to the comp screen! Luckily sister's out, mum sleeping, papa overseas! If not i'll be like some retard! I shall reply your post it only tmrw! (keep you in suspense on what im gonna write) Hehehe. Having sectionals/combines tmrw! Go Lingyi, you can do it! :D 5 more days! :) Mosquitos keep biting me and my jiejie! So itchy now, and i keep scratching them. I know they'll leave scars but.. Haiya, who cares. x) |