Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today is bad/good day!First thing in the morning is CHINESE ORAL! Was quite okay la, cos i think i chose one of the easiest passage! :D Hehhh. Then break then home ec. We made some doughnut thingy. But dont even taste like doughnut la, it taste...! I dunno how to describe it la. Then when me and charmel and priya and charmel finish, we sit down behind to talk and play. Then suddenly got ALOT ALOT of smoke coming out from the pot! Then the bubbles all overflowing. Damn scary! Then the whole room was really smelly! ><> Then blah blah blah. Then after math remedial, me and Fongz go find the MIE guy. (wanna know come ask me! :D) To ask for a garbage container for project purposes! Then after talking a whole lot of crap, he ask us go to parade square there, clear the garbage bag then we can use that dustbin. ITS DAMN GROSSSSSS OKAY! Very smelly! The Fongz veh unlucky! Got some garbage water go on her pinafore! And its super gross! So she washed like crazy! Ahh. Then chiong luch-ed and chiong up for band! Today was quite slack la. Only at the end then combined. Hhaha. Then ate ice-cream with Mae-ann after that! Then talk talk. SORRY MAE-ANN FOR POUNCING ON YOU THE OTHER DAY AND MADE YOU DROP YOUR ICE-CREAM OKAY! SO I MADE UP FOR IT BY TREATING YOU TO ONE TODAY ALREADY! MUST SAY 'ITS ALRIGHT!' Heehhhh. Okok, tmrw gonna make some annoucement thingy to the school. i quite scared leh. HAHA. I shall go create script for Fongz and me now. Byez. |