Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hmm, today is happy/sad day. Cos got happy and sad stuffs. (:( Shant talk bout the sad stuffs here!Stupid math test laaa! Ms gan say it'll be much easier! Only the front part easier lor. The back part out to kill me one la. -.-" Then went lunch with ah ma and people! Then go band. Today band quite alot of seniors go too! So was quite fun! :D Hehh. We were playing like quite funnily and crazily! :D My juniors improve ABIT! Hahha, so funny. All of them all taller than me la. Stupid. Grrr. Then after band me, olivia, lim pei, esther, adear, eileen started talking with Pang bout some stuffs! Haha, quite cool la. Then cos Pang have to go for his army 'NAPFA' so we went down to canteen to continue our discussion! :D Hehe, then finally went back at around 6.45? Bus-ed home with Lim Pei! :) Ohoh, crap. I forgotten to bring back my Distiction in English book and im supposed to do the compre inside! DIE DIE DIE! Haiya, i go do my history assignment already! Byez. |