Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
HEY PEEPS, IM BACK! :D WE GOT SILVER! WOOHOOOOOO~~ Hhaha, im dman high & happy now! Actually i've been since the results! Hahah. We got SILVER! Although like to other bands it might be like 'lousy' but when i was playing today, i didnt feel i single bit of nervous-ness ok. From the moment i stepped up to the stage, i felt peace. Which was surprising la. GOD'S MIRACLE! Then i stared at Sir whole time. Only once in a while i take glances at Fongy! Hehh. :) Then i didnt make a SINGLE mistake! I so happy! Then at those rests parts, i kept humming softly and smiling to myself! HAHAH. Omg, crazy Lingyi! :S But when get off the stage, i heard people saying they made mistakes and stuffs. But nvm, we still got SILVER right! :D Then went damn high already. :D In the bus kept taking photos with Fong and playing BA LUO PO! Hahha, damn fun! :D Then after like stayed in the bandroom for awhile with some people then we play play, talk talk, laugh laugh, draw draw! Very fun! Then talked with Sir abit also. I cant figure out whether he's happy or disappointed you know! :( Hmm, but nvm! :) Then dinner with Mae-ann, sharon and mel! Damn funny cos melanie though she lost ehr wallet. So she was damn worried adn called her parents then when Sharon go call the dunno-what-number to ask for sbs number, Mel found it at the chair there! So funny la. Then eat eat eat, talk talk talk, laugh laugh laugh.Then me and Mae-ann left first cos she has tuition and she's late! Hahah. Then waited for mama and went home! :) Took wuite alot of photos today! But like quite tired to upload (lazy rather!). Hahha, i'll upload all latest by Friday k! Sorrysorry! ;D MAE-ANN AND EILLEN AH, STOP BEING GUILTY OR WHATSOEVER COS WE ENJOYED OURSELVES ON STAGE AND THATS MOST IMPORTANT! SO BE HAPPY! :D |