Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
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Heyyy!Ok, many things happened today.1. Got back geog class test. Was quite happy with results! :D2. Chapel had REW and Bernard told a story that was really sad. :( 3. Eng summary test! Nearly die ok. I thought i had no time, so chiong like amd cow. Then still had 10 more mins after i finished everything. -.-"4. Went to malay late cos summary ended late and stupid teacher was being stupid5. Go band and practice with Fongz. 6. Me and Fong told Mae-ann all bout watermelon and it was really cool. Though i got quite agitated through. Hehh7. Band ended so late and i reached home so late. 8. I now find no motivation to do my math hw. (Although i did some already)9. Im super excited/nervous/scared/happy for tmrw's concert. (i think im weird)Yay, im bringing cam tmrw! So can cam-whore. HAHAH. Ok whatever. I bet eileen will be the first. :)Im off to sleep/do present. Bye everyone! :D
Hello earthlingszxz. Today very idiotic okay. Hahha, sounds wrong. PE- Run finish 2.4 still needa run 1.6! D: But me and Fong led the class run slow slow. But was still tiring! :(Asthetics- Cut lino mat thingy, do until my hand damn pain! :(CL- Write lian bi. And teacher go read out my previous one to the class. Damn ps okay, cos i made it super drama. Like SUPER.History- got back SBQ, was okay la. Rather stupid. -.-"Lit- Dong mood swing again. And kept talking stupid crap. :SOh, STUPID MII WEI AND RACHEL TAN (ROAD SWEEPER) YOU TMRW DIE AH. ESPECIALLY THAT MII WEI. WHOLE DAY SAY ME AH. NEVER DIE BEFORE AH. SO IRRITATING LA, KEEP CALLING ME TOILET CLEANER AH! GRRRRRRR. Oh and smth veh funny happened after band. We (Me, Mae-ann, mii wei, rachel, ms ten) started talking bout getting married and having babies. Then i told mae ann how many i wanted.LY: I want SEVEN next time. My aim.MA: *Burst out laughing* Omg omg omgMW: Eh tell me leh.MA: She wants 17 babies!Ms ten: WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? WA SEH. And they start talking bout me having 17 babies and my future husband. How tall he'll be then how am i suppose to kiss him. -.-" JUST GO BED KISS LA. TALK SO MUCH. Hahha, omg. Damn wrong!Yeah, then go bus stop. And nice Mae-ann and eileen waited with me for my daddy to come fetch me! So nice right. :DOh man, tmrw have to make announcement again. *dies*
Heylo!Finally finish chiong-ing geog project! Yay! :DOh yahs, my daddy buy new printer! Hooray, the old printer go byebye already. STUPID VALERIE FONG, KUP MY PHONE AH YOU! Tsk! You die tmrw! Hohoho. Anw, she cut her hair. And she say its damn screwed! HAHA. I cant wait to see you tmrw Fong! :D My week ahead is damn crazy ok!Monday- Eng conpre test (Ahh, die!)Tuesday- BandWednesday- Eng summary test, sop dry runThursday- SOPFriday- IDPWSat- Tuition, buy some stuffsSunday- Piano, hw AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES...Ok, im being damn lame! And you know i dont like those people that are very irritating and gross okay. It freaks me out. And those super act-big one, and tehhh ones, or keep on suck up to people. So like so suck up go be vacuum cleaner la. So come here and suck up la. Damn pist off with these type of people okay. So if you check and you're 3 or more of them, BYEBYE. I DONT WANT YOU ALREADY! :D (go to dustbin land la)Haiya, i go do math math/chinese/history hw now! :( Byeeeee/ D:
Hellohello!Hmm, the day started off quite horribly. Morning around 6+, i text Fong to remind her come earlier. Then she ok. then after that awhile more, she texted me 'Eh wtf, i just missed my 53 bus. So i'll come around 7.15 or later!' I nearly heart attack ok. Hahha, but in the end she came slightly earlier la, considering the fact that she's a 7.24 person. HAHAThen me and Fong go sit at the announcement there reherse! Hhaha, cos we so scared. We see so many people! Then finally. Went up there. Then Valerie started first. Then the stupid paper suddenly fly! Grr, make me look so stupid! Then i see olili keep on smiling/laughing la! D: But ms gan say it was well done! :) But next week must do again. :S Then was history, then chinese, english. ALL DAMN BORING I TELL YOU. Especially English, i was practically sleeping with my eyes open la. Or whatever. Then baoying kept having to shake me. HAHA. So dumb. Then finally over. Then is SL. Then they 2 and Chong go do presentation. Actually i wanted to ..., but becos same group, so i just say all the good stuffs and exxagerate (dunno how to spell!) it when the comments part. -.-" Then stupid Nadia la, talk so much crap stuffs. Think you who ah! WAIT TILL YOUR GROUP I TELL YOU, YOU DIE AH! Hahha, ok. So mean. Yeah, then physics was quite okay. Was playing with Fong and talking and saying stupid stuffs. HAHA. Then lunched with Fong! We ate ban mian! The bowl so big la, everytime go there then both our tummy will become so big one! Tskkk. Then we go see phone and stuffs. :) Later still got the whatever subject-combi talk la. And my dad insists that i go so that he can see my teachers. -.-" DIE I TELL YOU. CONFIRM 100% CHOP CHOP. Cos ms gan already said wanted to see my dad, although i passed my math paper. Hmm, confirm bad one la. :S Haiya, i go bathe and stuffs now. :D Byez
Today is bad/good day!First thing in the morning is CHINESE ORAL! Was quite okay la, cos i think i chose one of the easiest passage! :D Hehhh. Then break then home ec. We made some doughnut thingy. But dont even taste like doughnut la, it taste...! I dunno how to describe it la. Then when me and charmel and priya and charmel finish, we sit down behind to talk and play. Then suddenly got ALOT ALOT of smoke coming out from the pot! Then the bubbles all overflowing. Damn scary! Then the whole room was really smelly! ><>
Then blah blah blah. Then after math remedial, me and Fongz go find the MIE guy. (wanna know come ask me! :D) To ask for a garbage container for project purposes! Then after talking a whole lot of crap, he ask us go to parade square there, clear the garbage bag then we can use that dustbin. ITS DAMN GROSSSSSS OKAY! Very smelly! The Fongz veh unlucky! Got some garbage water go on her pinafore! And its super gross! So she washed like crazy! Ahh.
Then chiong luch-ed and chiong up for band! Today was quite slack la. Only at the end then combined. Hhaha. Then ate ice-cream with Mae-ann after that! Then talk talk.
Okok, tmrw gonna make some annoucement thingy to the school. i quite scared leh. HAHA. I shall go create script for Fongz and me now. Byez.
Hello world! :) Today is NO FANS DAY! Ahhh, i nearly died okay! It was damn bloody hot! And yesterday rained then is no meat and seafood day. Then today hot until like shit then is no fans day. -.-" I was like perspiring like shit la. Hhaha, yeah. Damn gross.Then had physics, as per normal was super super boring! And math also quite laaa. (Hee) Then chapel Fongz, me, celine, and people had to go to REW! ALL BECOS OF YOU, VALERIE FONG! Roarrr, and becos they all were in B class, while me in A class, i had was in diff group as them! And my facilitator is ....! Then eng we did some grammer stuffs or smth, quite stupid. But quite okay. (or rather not as boring!)Then after lunch was MALAY. Then before my turn, i was like chiong-ing all the words into my brain la. Thankfully, i managed to squeeze all in! :) Quite easy la. My 3 sentences was:1) Saya nama Lingyi. Saya di tingal di Yio Chu Kang (Dunno whether correct not!)- My name is Lingyi. I live in Yio Chu Kang.2) Selamat Petang Cikgu, apa khabar?- Good afternoon teacher, how are you?3) Cikgu, inni saya bolih pergi ke tandas?- Teacher, may i go to the toilet?HAHAH, ITS DAMN STUPID I KNOW. HAHAHA. Then the teacher was like. Errrr. HAHA. Yeah, then afterthat Fongz and Me got a ride from Ah ma's mother! Her car veh ncie! Veh big and spacious! :D To hougang mall! Then the weather was really DAMN DAMN DAMN HOT. Then my head pain! So bought bbt. Peach ice blended! :D Yeahh, then when we walking to bus stop, Fong bus came and go with ehr still walking beside me! HAHA. So i very nice! I waited with ehr and talk talk till ehr bus came then i go my mrt station. :D So ncie right, and that caused me to miss both my MRT and LRT. -.-" Grrr. Reached home.Bathed.Here i am.Bye, im gone now.
Hello hello people!
I today quite good mood. :) Today is the no-water-day till 1.00pm! I thought i would die okay. Cos im like some water tank! Can drink non-stop one. HAHA, OKAY THATS BAD. THen today i was like 'saving' my water for afterthat. Then before i knew it, it was already 1.00! Hahah, cool.
Then had Eng test, was okay la. Although i thought i could have wrote much more relevant stuffs! But who cares anyway! :D Then recess was quite okay la. Hongyu so funny and cute okay! She can make you laugh till there's no end to it! :D
Then math, Ms gan damn scary, she loves to keep people in suspense. :( Then she let us do the questions, i do until my head damn pain. Then still got some people still so irritating la. D: Then my whole head pain until wanna explode already!
Then blah blah blah lessons, then physics. Omg, i tell you, it's damn damn boring la. And hot until i can faint, drop, die. And i think P today pms-ing! Come into class only face so black already. Crazy ah! I over there so hot and irritated la! Grrrrr.
Then go order tickets for WJ. So many people la. And like the whole thing is almost fullu booked. So i could only get the C row! Sorrysorry! :S
Hmm, then Hougang Mall-ed with Fongz for her to get her colourful wallet! i tell her blue one nicer she say i aunty! Hmmph! Haha, maybe la. ;) Then buy bbt and walk around. Then at the keychain shop, so scary la. I touch the thing only then break! Scare me, but the guy say 'Its okay, its not your fault.' Hha, dunno whether he meant it anot. But he's quite friendly la. Then me and Fongz bought a keychain each. :) I wanted ehrs, but left 1 only! So i took the other design. Haha.
Then mrt-ed home! :) Got one veh cute baby in the lrt. Then keep trying to mimick the funny faces i was making! I think valerie looked that way last time! HAHA. Then when i go out of the train, the baby kept crying la! (so guity please)   (Pictures form Houngang Mall :D) To you: If you think that im a nuisance to you, just tell me straight ok. Stop spreading stupid stuffs bout me and things, Thats being really childish and immature! You wanna attitude me, I'll ignore you totally, i see how you spread la. No brains one ah, maybe have. C-O-C-O-N-U-T B-R-A-I-N!
Hha, okay. Thats slandering i guess? But i dont care la. Its not you or you so dont worry! :) HAH, IM TALKING CRAP. -.-" Byez.
Hmm, short post before i go to bed. My stupid sister is either having ehr mood swings or pms-ing. She's being a total idiot okay. Throwing stuffs at me and complaining bout every single thing. And now she storms into her room dunno saying what. And the previos moment she was still playing with me! -.-" So idiotic. Anw, had piano and chinese today. Chinese quite fun! Cos of ___! Haha, veh stupid one la. I just finished chiong-ing out my stupid summary! Ahh, i hate it okay. (but i cheat, i use thesaurus!) Hehh, thats the smartest! Hohoho. Yeah, then just finished viewing some loser groos shit person's blog! Damn gross, so i cancel it off already. Hhaha. Tmrw have eng test! Ahh, bout zoos or dunno what la. I bet im gonna screw it again. :S Help me!
i Hello peeps! Had tuition today! Then went lunch with Sherwynn and June! :) Damn funny. They go with me walk in circles to help me find my stuffs for ___ present! So cute right. Then when we go macs eat, i stupid leave my plastic bag behind. Then i walk until mrt station then realise la. Wthhh! Then i run back like some kuku. Then knock some people. But i said sorry okay! But the manager kept it for me. So yeah, luckily! :) Then laughed crazily with June! And we go crazy over clothes and stuffs. She's the best shopping partner/clothes consultant i can ever find la please! :D
And talking to Eileen really helps alot. She's like Mae-ann, always giving good good advices! :) Hmm, afew pictures then my sister will come chasing me out already! 
K, here my sister comes. Nightz.
Wa i hate changing blog skins although the end result is nice! I spent so much time on this stupid blog skin la! Hahah, but its nice anw. So pinky hor! :S Hmm, today's lesson all wanna die la. Is like chi 2 period then end 2 period then live 2 period then physics 2 period! Chinese and endlish is the worst worst one. But english i sit right infront so like just when i about to fall asleep i see mrs ramesh right infront of me! Ahhh! Damn boring la. The whole class was damn dead. Then for live we have service learning. Got quite pist off actually but Fongz talk damn funny! She's professor brocolli and im professor caixin! :D Hehh, cool right! :D Then lunch-ed with Fongz at QIJI. We both so broke can! Ahhh. But their nasi lemak nice la. :D Then for sl, we had to find the ingredients cost. So we take pen and paper and walked in circles in stupid ntuc i tell you! Their organising skills damn lousy! All so messy! We were inside there got like 30-45 mins okay! Then like some kuku head. Then i veh nice, walk her to bus stop then i took mrt home. :) Ohoh, and im like super addicted to PERSIS HOSAY and MONONOKE MEDLEY! It's damn damn nice! Its on the right hand side ----> Go listen! They play super super pro! *faints*Anw, i go do my tuition hw already! Byebye!
Hmm, today is happy/sad day. Cos got happy and sad stuffs. (:( Shant talk bout the sad stuffs here!Stupid math test laaa! Ms gan say it'll be much easier! Only the front part easier lor. The back part out to kill me one la. -.-" Then went lunch with ah ma and people! Then go band. Today band quite alot of seniors go too! So was quite fun! :D Hehh. We were playing like quite funnily and crazily! :D My juniors improve ABIT! Hahha, so funny. All of them all taller than me la. Stupid. Grrr. Then after band me, olivia, lim pei, esther, adear, eileen started talking with Pang bout some stuffs! Haha, quite cool la. Then cos Pang have to go for his army 'NAPFA' so we went down to canteen to continue our discussion! :D Hehe, then finally went back at around 6.45? Bus-ed home with Lim Pei! :) Ohoh, crap. I forgotten to bring back my Distiction in English book and im supposed to do the compre inside! DIE DIE DIE! Haiya, i go do my history assignment already! Byez.
Heyhey!Today is a good day! :D Heh. Physics was quite fun today la. But partially also cos it rained really really heavily. So damn shiok! :D Then geog TT talk talk talk. Then for chapel, cos is TT leading. So my class sang loudly! Woohooo~ But we purposely sing really low, like octave lower. Heh. So fun! Then math Ms gan didnt come! But we had mock test, but i was like discussing with Zoey la! :D Malay was fun! Cos the teacehr let us do whatever things we want. The test is enxt next week! :) So me, fongz, ah ma and sian ling was talking, word search, playing, singing behind! :D Damn fun i tell you. Next is INLINE SKATING. Today alot of things happen! First, steve didnt come! He go hospital do some things! :( Hah, we take our nyaa booklet ask jon or albert help us sign. Then they keep making fun of us! (and calling me LINGZHI!) Then we gear up and stuffs then go track. It was bloody hot la. Then got one new instructor called (dunno what) so fongz and me call him small boy! But he's damn young, around 18-20 years old only i think. Then we play CATCHING! Then i chase after Jon! Who ask him always bully me one! Then when i touch him, he skate away immediately! So cheater bug la! then play DUCK DUCK GOOSE. But quite boring cos not everybody was participating. :( Then we play TUNNEL OF DOOM. Then me and Fongz veh cool leh! :D hehh. But alot of people scared so they dont wanna do. Then make Jon and Small boy angry/sad! Then they just skated away. Then Fongz me and skating clique go find him and ask them come back. So they did. But like ignore us one. :( Ohoh, then when gather that time ah. I lose my balance then accidentally touch small boy ___! Then mrs teo they all keep making fun of me la! D: Accidentally lor. As if purposely like that! Tsk! So paiseh and ANGRY! Then afterthat we play CATCHING again! But is must hold hand one! So Fong and me hold hand tgt! So we chase after small boy cos i so ANGRY with him!!! Then he keep on haolian! Then when turning that time, Fongz fell then cos holding hand so she pull me and i fell on her! :( Hahha, i was alright la. But Fong say her hand pain! Cos i fell right on ehr hand! (oops!) But afterthat we managed to catch Small boy and Jon! YAY, teach them dont so haolian ah! :D Then end already.Today is last lesson! Gosh, i bet im gonna miss all of them la. They're so fun! (although always bully me lor!) I wanna have skating outing one day! :D hehhh. Okok, so long already! Byebye! :)
Hellohello!Today quite exciting la. But veh hot! First, my stupid 2.4 run. I forgot today have. So i ate such a full meal. And when i run, i got stitch. (Really pain one) Thus i had to walk for some parts which made me get 16+ mins of stupid 2.4! This is like the stupidest and lousiest result la. And everytime people say got stitch all these i'll always say 'Haiya, fake one la.' Then today i kena! Grrrr. Although pass but i wanna retake then get C. If not my 5 items i do so good for nothing already! (Good girl Lingyi!) Next is the Lit! Okay la, the test is okay but i think i write totally crap la! Then i keep trying to recall what i just read like 10 mins ago! :D Oh no, i hope i can get good marks then can help my overall! :D Then afterthat lunched with Olivia! (Although only i eating la!) Then go help in junior band. I TELL YOU, I NEARLY DIED. Got one quite okay. Veh shyshy one. Then the other one is intru spoilt. And break the reed somemore! Then the tongue-ing so funny! Tell her dunno how many times already! Then she okay, then play, STILL WRONG. (i think i did this to Amanda too! Oops!) Then the last one, dunno is the back got problem or what! Keep on slouch! Then ask ehr sit properly then glare at me. Tsk! -.-" And my section is like the noisiest in the band room although only 3 sec ones. -.-" Hmm, this only first time i go help them and already dying. Ms Ten damn pro i tell you! :D Anw, they're gonna play really really well. I DONT CARE! :DAhhh, i doing IDPW now! I think its a total waste of time. -.-" So stupid la. And then i doing like majority of the work somemore. I bet my grp members didnt do anything despite the calls and sms i made to them! Urghhhh! But nvm, they're still nice people! :) And tmrw is the last session of inline skating! :( :( :( I luv it so much la. Its damn fun, especially with the coaches! :D And tmrw also have malay test! Argh, stupid. i only know:1: Aba Khabar-Khabar Baik2: Selemat Patang Cikgu3: Terima KasihAnd afew more which i cant rmb now. Ahh, prepare to make the malay teacher run out of the classroom tmrw! D: Haiya, i dont care bout this thing la. they keep saying will be in report book. (Err, so what la?!) Hmm, off to do IDPW now. Bye.
Today okok la. Had physics test which is .....! Prepared to fail la. Stupid! Then keep on got false fire alarm! So noisy leh. Hmm, then after that had NAPFA! Which was okay la, quite fun! Me and Fongz and Kuek keep talking and playing. Then ah, got one class keep on cut queue one! So irritating! Roarrr. Ohoh, and stupid shuttle run! Last year i got 10.8 and this year (secret). Stupid leh. Stupid shoe keep making me slide then fall at the turning there! :( At first get E one, then i retake after all then get C. Hhaha, yay. At least get GOLD la! :D I have alot alot of things to do! 1.Study for Lit test (tmrw FIRST period!)2. Math TB even no pg 125 (Irritating la)3. Colour my model (Art elective)4. Prepare Chinese newspaper for tmrw's recording (Counted as 1 lian bi leh)5. (I cant think of the last one!)Yupps, i better get started with it! :) Go Lingyi! :D
Hellohello! Saturday's have always been rather exciting for me! :D Hehh.
I feel so mean! June told me she's going to HK and asked me if there's anything i wanted. And i made her a 10 items shopping list! Hehhe, i think she's gonna go broke and overload her luggage when coming back la. But she's really funny and crappy. Always entertaining me with ehr nonsense is super entertaining laaa! ;D
Anyway, here's Part II of SYF photos! :) Haven't gotten back all though! SAXOPHONESSSSS! <3
Whole band at SCH! (Taken from Mii Wei!)
.jpg) Whole band! :D (quite blurry leh)
Irritating sister bugging me again. Bye.
Oh no! It's raining so heavily now! Ahhhh! Then so much thunder and lightning! :O Anyw, i woke up early today! Cos papa kept disturbing me! Arghh. Thought bout some stuffs yesterday before sleeping. Actually its partially my fault too right. Thanks for telling me too. But no matter what, i'll still <3 you k! So dont keep saying sorry to me. :) Now we're okay already but im still angry with __! Argh, whats your bloody problem right! And its not you so dont think its you! :D HAHAH, GOSH. IM TYPING NONSENSE. HEHHH.
You just texted me saying all that. At that point i felt like breaking down totally. This feeling sucks big time. Im totally unable to make myself smile at this point of time now. Whats exactly the problem. If you think that ' Lingyi is the always happy one la, what can she do anyway?', you're totally wrong i tell you. Forget it, it's no point anyway.
Today school is BORING. Damn tired! Only home ec quite fun! Heh. Then went for lunch with Fongz! Then walk walk and play around. SHE DAMN NONSENSE I TELL YOU. Hahah, but i veh nice. Escort her all the way to her bus stop then go to my mrt! :D Hahah
Im veh bored at home now too! There's only me at home and IM ROTTING. Arghh.
Hahha, yupps. Havent gotten all the pictures from people but i just upload part I first la k! :D Fongz! We both look weird in this photo! :S
 You cant see us! Hohoho! :D
 I dont really know what we're trying to do la k! Errr.
 We'll be number 1 and they be ZERO HERO! :)
 Hahha, testing out frames!
 Fongz really look like a rabbit with her rabbit teeth okay! So cute! :D
Stupid Valerie Put my face in this ugly stupid frame! Eeee, i so white, like GHOST! :O
 Gillian! She's damn cute okay!
 Yb! We shall rock the place with BENDY BOBBY and GRASSSS! :D
 Ah maaaa! Monitor worhsxzxzx!
 We were trying to do S for SILVER! Woohooo~
 Olivia! Gosh, screwed up smile! -.-" Melanie! Purposely make your eyes so big one lor! Roarrrr~ Fongz! We were trying out Elthea's phone the frames! Hehhh. Mii wei! Haiyo, dont act tall laaaa! Your neck like giraffe! :P K thats it. These are the ones i have with me. The rest havent come in yet!!! Hahha, i lazy rotate the photo so too bad! :D Im gonna go for a nap now! :D
HEY PEEPS, IM BACK! :D WE GOT SILVER! WOOHOOOOOO~~Hhaha, im dman high & happy now! Actually i've been since the results! Hahah. We got SILVER! Although like to other bands it might be like 'lousy' but when i was playing today, i didnt feel i single bit of nervous-ness ok. From the moment i stepped up to the stage, i felt peace. Which was surprising la. GOD'S MIRACLE! Then i stared at Sir whole time. Only once in a while i take glances at Fongy! Hehh. :) Then i didnt make a SINGLE mistake! I so happy! Then at those rests parts, i kept humming softly and smiling to myself! HAHAH. Omg, crazy Lingyi! :S But when get off the stage, i heard people saying they made mistakes and stuffs. But nvm, we still got SILVER right! :D Then went damn high already. :D In the bus kept taking photos with Fong and playing BA LUO PO! Hahha, damn fun! :D Then after like stayed in the bandroom for awhile with some people then we play play, talk talk, laugh laugh, draw draw! Very fun! Then talked with Sir abit also. I cant figure out whether he's happy or disappointed you know! :( Hmm, but nvm! :) Then dinner with Mae-ann, sharon and mel! Damn funny cos melanie though she lost ehr wallet. So she was damn worried adn called her parents then when Sharon go call the dunno-what-number to ask for sbs number, Mel found it at the chair there! So funny la. Then eat eat eat, talk talk talk, laugh laugh laugh.Then me and Mae-ann left first cos she has tuition and she's late! Hahah. Then waited for mama and went home! :) Took wuite alot of photos today! But like quite tired to upload (lazy rather!). Hahha, i'll upload all latest by Friday k! Sorrysorry! ;D MAE-ANN AND EILLEN AH, STOP BEING GUILTY OR WHATSOEVER COS WE ENJOYED OURSELVES ON STAGE AND THATS MOST IMPORTANT! SO BE HAPPY! :D
TMRW OUR BIGGGGGG DAY! *FAINTS* Tmrw's the final lab and i know we can do it k! :) I know the results are important but WE MUST DO OUR BESTTTT! :D Hahah. Got this bible verse from mae-ann quite long ago but its in my saved msgs! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 Dont really link with syf but the meaning behind it is still the same laa! :) Had band today! :) But ended like quite early. But stayed back to practice with Mae-ann and some others! (we're good girls!) Then her mama came so fast la! Then Melanie came and go. So did ms ten! I saw her bf! Drive car car one leh! So cool! :D Then left me and sir. Then sir waited till my daddy come then he left! Hahah, then meantime we talked and stuffs. Actaully he's nice la, our conver was like quite funny! *laughs stupidly* Hahha, if wanna know tell me la. Quite stupid to say here! Then finally papa came and brought me out for dinner with mummy! Short post short post! Im gonna sleep now cos i've already packed my stuffs! I'M DAMN SCARED AND EXCITED FOR TMRW LEHHH. BUT I KNOW WE'VE PUT IN SO MUCH HARDWORK ALREADY SO DONT LET IT COME TO WASTE K! SYF, HERE WE COME! :D
Hmm, nothing much interesting interest me today! then physics, mr pang make us laugh like crazy la! Cos of hongyu and fongz! Then mr pang told us only if our whole class get a1 for physics then he'll sing for us. (who wants la please!) Heh.
Then had band at the foyer! Which is totally nonsense i tell you! All the sounds were bouncing back everywhere so it was damn noisy and loud and irritating! So we stopped practice early, then sir was like talking to us for really long. And after the 'talk', i felt damn bad and guilty! Why must they always give us all these 'talks' and make me all so sad and cry! D: But this is the first time i see sir like that. Then i understood like why he does things that way. Rattled on to Fongz while she ask me stuffs too. Urgh, enough of crappy stuffs!
Went back to band room and played around with mii wei and helping ehr take photos with ehr dunno-what-thing! She's damn funny i tell you!!! Then practiced with mae-ann and the radio then bus-ed to kovan with eileen, mii wei, mae ann, and melanie.
I REALLY WANNA GET AT LEAST A SILVER FOR SYF! I KNOW WE CAN DO IT! :) I hope we wont freak out there k! :) Pray, pray, pray! :)
Heysxzxzx! Back from dinner like dunno how long. But my tummy so full now! Becos of MY SISTER! Roarrrr. Anyway, had band today again. Then sectionals was fun! And for combines was fun too! Sir good mood and kept joking. HAHA. I think we really did improved! :) Hahha, im like repeating myself for every post la k. :S Having band on monday again. It's a little tiring but i can do it! :) I guess my piano teacher's gonna seriously kill me terribly tmrw k! Cos i this week practice super super little! Cos i practice my band stuffs then never practice piano! :O Ahhhh, but nvm. Once next week will be okay already! :D My irritating sister is bugging me like crazy now. Stupid idiot! So goodnightz.
Yay, i feel HAPPY today! Hahah, i know im like crazy? :S Went for sectionals. Actually not really la, its only me, mae ann, rachel and olivia! Had quite alot of fun! :D I finally got the triplets part right! But i think tmrw i'll get it wrong agian. :( Rachel she teach quite good leh, (but quite irritating)! Cos she made me repeat many many times. :) But she's still nice. Then she left. Then after awhile olivia left too! Then me and mae ann started playing/practicing! We on the radio practice but the praise variant the radio so so fast laaa! Then make me so gan chiong! And i learn how to play A LITTLE BIT of the snare drum! Yayyyy! :D Then bus-ed home with her after bbt adn snacks! :D Heh, im veh nice. I'll keep her unglam till i really needa use it! Hohoho! :P And then in the train today, i kept sms-ing mae-ann that when i saw train, i just ran to it, not realising it was the HABOURFRONT TRAIN. And i was suppose to go to SENGKANG. And i only realised at around serangoon! So i got off and boarded the correct train! Roarrrr! So kuku la! LOW LING YI!you're a nice nice nice junior! though you hold your saxo in a funny way, you still look cute!you're a nice sms buddy and i'll never forget how i first met you.shopping with you is fun and we should go out again soon :Dlove,me :):) From mae-ann on ehr blog! So sweet right. this is my 'online post it' reply! Hahah. And I totally forgotten how we knew each other! then now mae-ann is making me laugh like an idiot to the comp screen! Luckily sister's out, mum sleeping, papa overseas! If not i'll be like some retard! I shall reply your post it only tmrw! (keep you in suspense on what im gonna write) Hehehe. Having sectionals/combines tmrw! Go Lingyi, you can do it! :D 5 more days! :) Mosquitos keep biting me and my jiejie! So itchy now, and i keep scratching them. I know they'll leave scars but.. Haiya, who cares. x)
Hmm, had band again. :) Then super malu okay! :/ Urghh, i shant' embarass myself here. Then i had a veh bad news. D: Whats the bloody problem with them la. Want to do then do earlier, dont until the final week then do. *slams head against wall* Arghh, chill lingyi. Going for band tmrw again for sectionals/individuals. Just 6 days more and everything will be alright. Im really scared, the pressure's getting stronger day by day while seeing so many bands getting such good acheivements! :( VALERIE, NO MATTER WHAT, I'LL ALWAYS BE BEHIND YOU K. LUV YOU LOADSSSSSS. <3Short post yeah, sister is chasing me off comp now. Nightz
Today is a FUN day! Although have malay and stuffs but still.. Hhaha. Fongy and me were folding paper hearts during malay laaa! We fold many many hearts! But hr hearts all ncier than mine! D: Hahha, then had inline! :D At first we played dog and CONE(changed the bone to cone) Then so fun! Steve in our team then he stratagise all for us already! ;D Hehh, then afterthat still got free ride home! His car so nice leh! White colour misibutsi (dunno how to spell!) But inside he put dunno what thing, i guess is perfume la. Then smelly smelly one! Fongy also got free ride home! We made Steve like drive all around Spore leh! Heh! :P then Steve say i same era as him just becos i like aerosmith's *i dont wanna miss a thing* and *monsoon* by tokio hotel! Stupid right, please lor. I so cool leh! :D Hhaha, so reached home quite early. Oh and during chapel there was this talk thingy on hell. then for contact time, TT again started talking bout it. Oh man, hell suddenly becomes so real and scary! :O Nvm, i shall be good girl! :) And its only the 2nd day of syf and so many schools are getting GOLD or GWH laa! wthhh. D:
Lingyi. (again)
I have msn and facebook. Ask me if you want it. :)
Im waiting for presents on 31 Dec (Hinthint!)
I have many precious(s)and they're dear to me. Super duper.
I heart PLCB cos it has coolio people like me,
+ my beloved Grass (saxophone)
Try bribing me with sweets and maybe i'll accept. :)
You can say im rather obsessed with shopping.
I hate spiders, insects or anything slimy.
If you dislike/hate/detest/loathe/abhor me then you're glad to leave man. :D
I want:
1. A new handphone. (preferbly LG ARENA or Sony ericsson W705)
2. New ipod nano (PURPLE/GREEN)
3. Fly to Aussie and see Mae-ann again.
4. Mae-ann fly back to S'pore to see me!
5. My own saxophone. (Im okay with older ones/2nd hand ones)
6. Learn the flute or another instrument. (must be as cool as saxophone!)
7. More clothes (and i mean much MORE.)
8. Get good results and get into a cool class. (2.7 is actually super cool alr)
9. Closer bonds with friends. (close friends too)
Heyyy!Ok, many things happened today.1. Got back geog class test. Was quite happy with results! :D2. Chapel had REW and Bernard told a story that was really sad. :( 3. Eng summary test! Nearly die ok. I thought i had no time, so chiong like amd cow. Then still had 10 more mins after i finished everything. -.-"4. Went to malay late cos summary ended late and stupid teacher was being stupid5. Go band and practice with Fongz. 6. Me and Fong told Mae-ann all bout watermelon and it was really cool. Though i got quite agitated through. Hehh7. Band ended so late and i reached home so late. 8. I now find no motivation to do my math hw. (Although i did some already)9. Im super excited/nervous/scared/happy for tmrw's concert. (i think im weird)Yay, im bringing cam tmrw! So can cam-whore. HAHAH. Ok whatever. I bet eileen will be the first. :)Im off to sleep/do present. Bye everyone! :D
Hello earthlingszxz. Today very idiotic okay. Hahha, sounds wrong. PE- Run finish 2.4 still needa run 1.6! D: But me and Fong led the class run slow slow. But was still tiring! :(Asthetics- Cut lino mat thingy, do until my hand damn pain! :(CL- Write lian bi. And teacher go read out my previous one to the class. Damn ps okay, cos i made it super drama. Like SUPER.History- got back SBQ, was okay la. Rather stupid. -.-"Lit- Dong mood swing again. And kept talking stupid crap. :SOh, STUPID MII WEI AND RACHEL TAN (ROAD SWEEPER) YOU TMRW DIE AH. ESPECIALLY THAT MII WEI. WHOLE DAY SAY ME AH. NEVER DIE BEFORE AH. SO IRRITATING LA, KEEP CALLING ME TOILET CLEANER AH! GRRRRRRR. Oh and smth veh funny happened after band. We (Me, Mae-ann, mii wei, rachel, ms ten) started talking bout getting married and having babies. Then i told mae ann how many i wanted.LY: I want SEVEN next time. My aim.MA: *Burst out laughing* Omg omg omgMW: Eh tell me leh.MA: She wants 17 babies!Ms ten: WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? WA SEH. And they start talking bout me having 17 babies and my future husband. How tall he'll be then how am i suppose to kiss him. -.-" JUST GO BED KISS LA. TALK SO MUCH. Hahha, omg. Damn wrong!Yeah, then go bus stop. And nice Mae-ann and eileen waited with me for my daddy to come fetch me! So nice right. :DOh man, tmrw have to make announcement again. *dies*
Heylo!Finally finish chiong-ing geog project! Yay! :DOh yahs, my daddy buy new printer! Hooray, the old printer go byebye already. STUPID VALERIE FONG, KUP MY PHONE AH YOU! Tsk! You die tmrw! Hohoho. Anw, she cut her hair. And she say its damn screwed! HAHA. I cant wait to see you tmrw Fong! :D My week ahead is damn crazy ok!Monday- Eng conpre test (Ahh, die!)Tuesday- BandWednesday- Eng summary test, sop dry runThursday- SOPFriday- IDPWSat- Tuition, buy some stuffsSunday- Piano, hw AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES...Ok, im being damn lame! And you know i dont like those people that are very irritating and gross okay. It freaks me out. And those super act-big one, and tehhh ones, or keep on suck up to people. So like so suck up go be vacuum cleaner la. So come here and suck up la. Damn pist off with these type of people okay. So if you check and you're 3 or more of them, BYEBYE. I DONT WANT YOU ALREADY! :D (go to dustbin land la)Haiya, i go do math math/chinese/history hw now! :( Byeeeee/ D:
Hellohello!Hmm, the day started off quite horribly. Morning around 6+, i text Fong to remind her come earlier. Then she ok. then after that awhile more, she texted me 'Eh wtf, i just missed my 53 bus. So i'll come around 7.15 or later!' I nearly heart attack ok. Hahha, but in the end she came slightly earlier la, considering the fact that she's a 7.24 person. HAHAThen me and Fong go sit at the announcement there reherse! Hhaha, cos we so scared. We see so many people! Then finally. Went up there. Then Valerie started first. Then the stupid paper suddenly fly! Grr, make me look so stupid! Then i see olili keep on smiling/laughing la! D: But ms gan say it was well done! :) But next week must do again. :S Then was history, then chinese, english. ALL DAMN BORING I TELL YOU. Especially English, i was practically sleeping with my eyes open la. Or whatever. Then baoying kept having to shake me. HAHA. So dumb. Then finally over. Then is SL. Then they 2 and Chong go do presentation. Actually i wanted to ..., but becos same group, so i just say all the good stuffs and exxagerate (dunno how to spell!) it when the comments part. -.-" Then stupid Nadia la, talk so much crap stuffs. Think you who ah! WAIT TILL YOUR GROUP I TELL YOU, YOU DIE AH! Hahha, ok. So mean. Yeah, then physics was quite okay. Was playing with Fong and talking and saying stupid stuffs. HAHA. Then lunched with Fong! We ate ban mian! The bowl so big la, everytime go there then both our tummy will become so big one! Tskkk. Then we go see phone and stuffs. :) Later still got the whatever subject-combi talk la. And my dad insists that i go so that he can see my teachers. -.-" DIE I TELL YOU. CONFIRM 100% CHOP CHOP. Cos ms gan already said wanted to see my dad, although i passed my math paper. Hmm, confirm bad one la. :S Haiya, i go bathe and stuffs now. :D Byez
Today is bad/good day!First thing in the morning is CHINESE ORAL! Was quite okay la, cos i think i chose one of the easiest passage! :D Hehhh. Then break then home ec. We made some doughnut thingy. But dont even taste like doughnut la, it taste...! I dunno how to describe it la. Then when me and charmel and priya and charmel finish, we sit down behind to talk and play. Then suddenly got ALOT ALOT of smoke coming out from the pot! Then the bubbles all overflowing. Damn scary! Then the whole room was really smelly! ><>
Then blah blah blah. Then after math remedial, me and Fongz go find the MIE guy. (wanna know come ask me! :D) To ask for a garbage container for project purposes! Then after talking a whole lot of crap, he ask us go to parade square there, clear the garbage bag then we can use that dustbin. ITS DAMN GROSSSSSS OKAY! Very smelly! The Fongz veh unlucky! Got some garbage water go on her pinafore! And its super gross! So she washed like crazy! Ahh.
Then chiong luch-ed and chiong up for band! Today was quite slack la. Only at the end then combined. Hhaha. Then ate ice-cream with Mae-ann after that! Then talk talk.
Okok, tmrw gonna make some annoucement thingy to the school. i quite scared leh. HAHA. I shall go create script for Fongz and me now. Byez.
Hello world! :) Today is NO FANS DAY! Ahhh, i nearly died okay! It was damn bloody hot! And yesterday rained then is no meat and seafood day. Then today hot until like shit then is no fans day. -.-" I was like perspiring like shit la. Hhaha, yeah. Damn gross.Then had physics, as per normal was super super boring! And math also quite laaa. (Hee) Then chapel Fongz, me, celine, and people had to go to REW! ALL BECOS OF YOU, VALERIE FONG! Roarrr, and becos they all were in B class, while me in A class, i had was in diff group as them! And my facilitator is ....! Then eng we did some grammer stuffs or smth, quite stupid. But quite okay. (or rather not as boring!)Then after lunch was MALAY. Then before my turn, i was like chiong-ing all the words into my brain la. Thankfully, i managed to squeeze all in! :) Quite easy la. My 3 sentences was:1) Saya nama Lingyi. Saya di tingal di Yio Chu Kang (Dunno whether correct not!)- My name is Lingyi. I live in Yio Chu Kang.2) Selamat Petang Cikgu, apa khabar?- Good afternoon teacher, how are you?3) Cikgu, inni saya bolih pergi ke tandas?- Teacher, may i go to the toilet?HAHAH, ITS DAMN STUPID I KNOW. HAHAHA. Then the teacher was like. Errrr. HAHA. Yeah, then afterthat Fongz and Me got a ride from Ah ma's mother! Her car veh ncie! Veh big and spacious! :D To hougang mall! Then the weather was really DAMN DAMN DAMN HOT. Then my head pain! So bought bbt. Peach ice blended! :D Yeahh, then when we walking to bus stop, Fong bus came and go with ehr still walking beside me! HAHA. So i very nice! I waited with ehr and talk talk till ehr bus came then i go my mrt station. :D So ncie right, and that caused me to miss both my MRT and LRT. -.-" Grrr. Reached home.Bathed.Here i am.Bye, im gone now.
Hello hello people!
I today quite good mood. :) Today is the no-water-day till 1.00pm! I thought i would die okay. Cos im like some water tank! Can drink non-stop one. HAHA, OKAY THATS BAD. THen today i was like 'saving' my water for afterthat. Then before i knew it, it was already 1.00! Hahah, cool.
Then had Eng test, was okay la. Although i thought i could have wrote much more relevant stuffs! But who cares anyway! :D Then recess was quite okay la. Hongyu so funny and cute okay! She can make you laugh till there's no end to it! :D
Then math, Ms gan damn scary, she loves to keep people in suspense. :( Then she let us do the questions, i do until my head damn pain. Then still got some people still so irritating la. D: Then my whole head pain until wanna explode already!
Then blah blah blah lessons, then physics. Omg, i tell you, it's damn damn boring la. And hot until i can faint, drop, die. And i think P today pms-ing! Come into class only face so black already. Crazy ah! I over there so hot and irritated la! Grrrrr.
Then go order tickets for WJ. So many people la. And like the whole thing is almost fullu booked. So i could only get the C row! Sorrysorry! :S
Hmm, then Hougang Mall-ed with Fongz for her to get her colourful wallet! i tell her blue one nicer she say i aunty! Hmmph! Haha, maybe la. ;) Then buy bbt and walk around. Then at the keychain shop, so scary la. I touch the thing only then break! Scare me, but the guy say 'Its okay, its not your fault.' Hha, dunno whether he meant it anot. But he's quite friendly la. Then me and Fongz bought a keychain each. :) I wanted ehrs, but left 1 only! So i took the other design. Haha.
Then mrt-ed home! :) Got one veh cute baby in the lrt. Then keep trying to mimick the funny faces i was making! I think valerie looked that way last time! HAHA. Then when i go out of the train, the baby kept crying la! (so guity please)   (Pictures form Houngang Mall :D) To you: If you think that im a nuisance to you, just tell me straight ok. Stop spreading stupid stuffs bout me and things, Thats being really childish and immature! You wanna attitude me, I'll ignore you totally, i see how you spread la. No brains one ah, maybe have. C-O-C-O-N-U-T B-R-A-I-N!
Hha, okay. Thats slandering i guess? But i dont care la. Its not you or you so dont worry! :) HAH, IM TALKING CRAP. -.-" Byez.
Hmm, short post before i go to bed. My stupid sister is either having ehr mood swings or pms-ing. She's being a total idiot okay. Throwing stuffs at me and complaining bout every single thing. And now she storms into her room dunno saying what. And the previos moment she was still playing with me! -.-" So idiotic. Anw, had piano and chinese today. Chinese quite fun! Cos of ___! Haha, veh stupid one la. I just finished chiong-ing out my stupid summary! Ahh, i hate it okay. (but i cheat, i use thesaurus!) Hehh, thats the smartest! Hohoho. Yeah, then just finished viewing some loser groos shit person's blog! Damn gross, so i cancel it off already. Hhaha. Tmrw have eng test! Ahh, bout zoos or dunno what la. I bet im gonna screw it again. :S Help me!
i Hello peeps! Had tuition today! Then went lunch with Sherwynn and June! :) Damn funny. They go with me walk in circles to help me find my stuffs for ___ present! So cute right. Then when we go macs eat, i stupid leave my plastic bag behind. Then i walk until mrt station then realise la. Wthhh! Then i run back like some kuku. Then knock some people. But i said sorry okay! But the manager kept it for me. So yeah, luckily! :) Then laughed crazily with June! And we go crazy over clothes and stuffs. She's the best shopping partner/clothes consultant i can ever find la please! :D
And talking to Eileen really helps alot. She's like Mae-ann, always giving good good advices! :) Hmm, afew pictures then my sister will come chasing me out already! 
K, here my sister comes. Nightz.
Wa i hate changing blog skins although the end result is nice! I spent so much time on this stupid blog skin la! Hahah, but its nice anw. So pinky hor! :S Hmm, today's lesson all wanna die la. Is like chi 2 period then end 2 period then live 2 period then physics 2 period! Chinese and endlish is the worst worst one. But english i sit right infront so like just when i about to fall asleep i see mrs ramesh right infront of me! Ahhh! Damn boring la. The whole class was damn dead. Then for live we have service learning. Got quite pist off actually but Fongz talk damn funny! She's professor brocolli and im professor caixin! :D Hehh, cool right! :D Then lunch-ed with Fongz at QIJI. We both so broke can! Ahhh. But their nasi lemak nice la. :D Then for sl, we had to find the ingredients cost. So we take pen and paper and walked in circles in stupid ntuc i tell you! Their organising skills damn lousy! All so messy! We were inside there got like 30-45 mins okay! Then like some kuku head. Then i veh nice, walk her to bus stop then i took mrt home. :) Ohoh, and im like super addicted to PERSIS HOSAY and MONONOKE MEDLEY! It's damn damn nice! Its on the right hand side ----> Go listen! They play super super pro! *faints*Anw, i go do my tuition hw already! Byebye!
Hmm, today is happy/sad day. Cos got happy and sad stuffs. (:( Shant talk bout the sad stuffs here!Stupid math test laaa! Ms gan say it'll be much easier! Only the front part easier lor. The back part out to kill me one la. -.-" Then went lunch with ah ma and people! Then go band. Today band quite alot of seniors go too! So was quite fun! :D Hehh. We were playing like quite funnily and crazily! :D My juniors improve ABIT! Hahha, so funny. All of them all taller than me la. Stupid. Grrr. Then after band me, olivia, lim pei, esther, adear, eileen started talking with Pang bout some stuffs! Haha, quite cool la. Then cos Pang have to go for his army 'NAPFA' so we went down to canteen to continue our discussion! :D Hehe, then finally went back at around 6.45? Bus-ed home with Lim Pei! :) Ohoh, crap. I forgotten to bring back my Distiction in English book and im supposed to do the compre inside! DIE DIE DIE! Haiya, i go do my history assignment already! Byez.
Heyhey!Today is a good day! :D Heh. Physics was quite fun today la. But partially also cos it rained really really heavily. So damn shiok! :D Then geog TT talk talk talk. Then for chapel, cos is TT leading. So my class sang loudly! Woohooo~ But we purposely sing really low, like octave lower. Heh. So fun! Then math Ms gan didnt come! But we had mock test, but i was like discussing with Zoey la! :D Malay was fun! Cos the teacehr let us do whatever things we want. The test is enxt next week! :) So me, fongz, ah ma and sian ling was talking, word search, playing, singing behind! :D Damn fun i tell you. Next is INLINE SKATING. Today alot of things happen! First, steve didnt come! He go hospital do some things! :( Hah, we take our nyaa booklet ask jon or albert help us sign. Then they keep making fun of us! (and calling me LINGZHI!) Then we gear up and stuffs then go track. It was bloody hot la. Then got one new instructor called (dunno what) so fongz and me call him small boy! But he's damn young, around 18-20 years old only i think. Then we play CATCHING! Then i chase after Jon! Who ask him always bully me one! Then when i touch him, he skate away immediately! So cheater bug la! then play DUCK DUCK GOOSE. But quite boring cos not everybody was participating. :( Then we play TUNNEL OF DOOM. Then me and Fongz veh cool leh! :D hehh. But alot of people scared so they dont wanna do. Then make Jon and Small boy angry/sad! Then they just skated away. Then Fongz me and skating clique go find him and ask them come back. So they did. But like ignore us one. :( Ohoh, then when gather that time ah. I lose my balance then accidentally touch small boy ___! Then mrs teo they all keep making fun of me la! D: Accidentally lor. As if purposely like that! Tsk! So paiseh and ANGRY! Then afterthat we play CATCHING again! But is must hold hand one! So Fong and me hold hand tgt! So we chase after small boy cos i so ANGRY with him!!! Then he keep on haolian! Then when turning that time, Fongz fell then cos holding hand so she pull me and i fell on her! :( Hahha, i was alright la. But Fong say her hand pain! Cos i fell right on ehr hand! (oops!) But afterthat we managed to catch Small boy and Jon! YAY, teach them dont so haolian ah! :D Then end already.Today is last lesson! Gosh, i bet im gonna miss all of them la. They're so fun! (although always bully me lor!) I wanna have skating outing one day! :D hehhh. Okok, so long already! Byebye! :)
Hellohello!Today quite exciting la. But veh hot! First, my stupid 2.4 run. I forgot today have. So i ate such a full meal. And when i run, i got stitch. (Really pain one) Thus i had to walk for some parts which made me get 16+ mins of stupid 2.4! This is like the stupidest and lousiest result la. And everytime people say got stitch all these i'll always say 'Haiya, fake one la.' Then today i kena! Grrrr. Although pass but i wanna retake then get C. If not my 5 items i do so good for nothing already! (Good girl Lingyi!) Next is the Lit! Okay la, the test is okay but i think i write totally crap la! Then i keep trying to recall what i just read like 10 mins ago! :D Oh no, i hope i can get good marks then can help my overall! :D Then afterthat lunched with Olivia! (Although only i eating la!) Then go help in junior band. I TELL YOU, I NEARLY DIED. Got one quite okay. Veh shyshy one. Then the other one is intru spoilt. And break the reed somemore! Then the tongue-ing so funny! Tell her dunno how many times already! Then she okay, then play, STILL WRONG. (i think i did this to Amanda too! Oops!) Then the last one, dunno is the back got problem or what! Keep on slouch! Then ask ehr sit properly then glare at me. Tsk! -.-" And my section is like the noisiest in the band room although only 3 sec ones. -.-" Hmm, this only first time i go help them and already dying. Ms Ten damn pro i tell you! :D Anw, they're gonna play really really well. I DONT CARE! :DAhhh, i doing IDPW now! I think its a total waste of time. -.-" So stupid la. And then i doing like majority of the work somemore. I bet my grp members didnt do anything despite the calls and sms i made to them! Urghhhh! But nvm, they're still nice people! :) And tmrw is the last session of inline skating! :( :( :( I luv it so much la. Its damn fun, especially with the coaches! :D And tmrw also have malay test! Argh, stupid. i only know:1: Aba Khabar-Khabar Baik2: Selemat Patang Cikgu3: Terima KasihAnd afew more which i cant rmb now. Ahh, prepare to make the malay teacher run out of the classroom tmrw! D: Haiya, i dont care bout this thing la. they keep saying will be in report book. (Err, so what la?!) Hmm, off to do IDPW now. Bye.
Today okok la. Had physics test which is .....! Prepared to fail la. Stupid! Then keep on got false fire alarm! So noisy leh. Hmm, then after that had NAPFA! Which was okay la, quite fun! Me and Fongz and Kuek keep talking and playing. Then ah, got one class keep on cut queue one! So irritating! Roarrr. Ohoh, and stupid shuttle run! Last year i got 10.8 and this year (secret). Stupid leh. Stupid shoe keep making me slide then fall at the turning there! :( At first get E one, then i retake after all then get C. Hhaha, yay. At least get GOLD la! :D I have alot alot of things to do! 1.Study for Lit test (tmrw FIRST period!)2. Math TB even no pg 125 (Irritating la)3. Colour my model (Art elective)4. Prepare Chinese newspaper for tmrw's recording (Counted as 1 lian bi leh)5. (I cant think of the last one!)Yupps, i better get started with it! :) Go Lingyi! :D
Hellohello! Saturday's have always been rather exciting for me! :D Hehh.
I feel so mean! June told me she's going to HK and asked me if there's anything i wanted. And i made her a 10 items shopping list! Hehhe, i think she's gonna go broke and overload her luggage when coming back la. But she's really funny and crappy. Always entertaining me with ehr nonsense is super entertaining laaa! ;D
Anyway, here's Part II of SYF photos! :) Haven't gotten back all though! SAXOPHONESSSSS! <3
Whole band at SCH! (Taken from Mii Wei!)
.jpg) Whole band! :D (quite blurry leh)
Irritating sister bugging me again. Bye.
Oh no! It's raining so heavily now! Ahhhh! Then so much thunder and lightning! :O Anyw, i woke up early today! Cos papa kept disturbing me! Arghh. Thought bout some stuffs yesterday before sleeping. Actually its partially my fault too right. Thanks for telling me too. But no matter what, i'll still <3 you k! So dont keep saying sorry to me. :) Now we're okay already but im still angry with __! Argh, whats your bloody problem right! And its not you so dont think its you! :D HAHAH, GOSH. IM TYPING NONSENSE. HEHHH.
You just texted me saying all that. At that point i felt like breaking down totally. This feeling sucks big time. Im totally unable to make myself smile at this point of time now. Whats exactly the problem. If you think that ' Lingyi is the always happy one la, what can she do anyway?', you're totally wrong i tell you. Forget it, it's no point anyway.
Today school is BORING. Damn tired! Only home ec quite fun! Heh. Then went for lunch with Fongz! Then walk walk and play around. SHE DAMN NONSENSE I TELL YOU. Hahah, but i veh nice. Escort her all the way to her bus stop then go to my mrt! :D Hahah
Im veh bored at home now too! There's only me at home and IM ROTTING. Arghh.
Hahha, yupps. Havent gotten all the pictures from people but i just upload part I first la k! :D Fongz! We both look weird in this photo! :S
 You cant see us! Hohoho! :D
 I dont really know what we're trying to do la k! Errr.
 We'll be number 1 and they be ZERO HERO! :)
 Hahha, testing out frames!
 Fongz really look like a rabbit with her rabbit teeth okay! So cute! :D
Stupid Valerie Put my face in this ugly stupid frame! Eeee, i so white, like GHOST! :O
 Gillian! She's damn cute okay!
 Yb! We shall rock the place with BENDY BOBBY and GRASSSS! :D
 Ah maaaa! Monitor worhsxzxzx!
 We were trying to do S for SILVER! Woohooo~
 Olivia! Gosh, screwed up smile! -.-" Melanie! Purposely make your eyes so big one lor! Roarrrr~ Fongz! We were trying out Elthea's phone the frames! Hehhh. Mii wei! Haiyo, dont act tall laaaa! Your neck like giraffe! :P K thats it. These are the ones i have with me. The rest havent come in yet!!! Hahha, i lazy rotate the photo so too bad! :D Im gonna go for a nap now! :D
HEY PEEPS, IM BACK! :D WE GOT SILVER! WOOHOOOOOO~~Hhaha, im dman high & happy now! Actually i've been since the results! Hahah. We got SILVER! Although like to other bands it might be like 'lousy' but when i was playing today, i didnt feel i single bit of nervous-ness ok. From the moment i stepped up to the stage, i felt peace. Which was surprising la. GOD'S MIRACLE! Then i stared at Sir whole time. Only once in a while i take glances at Fongy! Hehh. :) Then i didnt make a SINGLE mistake! I so happy! Then at those rests parts, i kept humming softly and smiling to myself! HAHAH. Omg, crazy Lingyi! :S But when get off the stage, i heard people saying they made mistakes and stuffs. But nvm, we still got SILVER right! :D Then went damn high already. :D In the bus kept taking photos with Fong and playing BA LUO PO! Hahha, damn fun! :D Then after like stayed in the bandroom for awhile with some people then we play play, talk talk, laugh laugh, draw draw! Very fun! Then talked with Sir abit also. I cant figure out whether he's happy or disappointed you know! :( Hmm, but nvm! :) Then dinner with Mae-ann, sharon and mel! Damn funny cos melanie though she lost ehr wallet. So she was damn worried adn called her parents then when Sharon go call the dunno-what-number to ask for sbs number, Mel found it at the chair there! So funny la. Then eat eat eat, talk talk talk, laugh laugh laugh.Then me and Mae-ann left first cos she has tuition and she's late! Hahah. Then waited for mama and went home! :) Took wuite alot of photos today! But like quite tired to upload (lazy rather!). Hahha, i'll upload all latest by Friday k! Sorrysorry! ;D MAE-ANN AND EILLEN AH, STOP BEING GUILTY OR WHATSOEVER COS WE ENJOYED OURSELVES ON STAGE AND THATS MOST IMPORTANT! SO BE HAPPY! :D
TMRW OUR BIGGGGGG DAY! *FAINTS* Tmrw's the final lab and i know we can do it k! :) I know the results are important but WE MUST DO OUR BESTTTT! :D Hahah. Got this bible verse from mae-ann quite long ago but its in my saved msgs! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 Dont really link with syf but the meaning behind it is still the same laa! :) Had band today! :) But ended like quite early. But stayed back to practice with Mae-ann and some others! (we're good girls!) Then her mama came so fast la! Then Melanie came and go. So did ms ten! I saw her bf! Drive car car one leh! So cool! :D Then left me and sir. Then sir waited till my daddy come then he left! Hahah, then meantime we talked and stuffs. Actaully he's nice la, our conver was like quite funny! *laughs stupidly* Hahha, if wanna know tell me la. Quite stupid to say here! Then finally papa came and brought me out for dinner with mummy! Short post short post! Im gonna sleep now cos i've already packed my stuffs! I'M DAMN SCARED AND EXCITED FOR TMRW LEHHH. BUT I KNOW WE'VE PUT IN SO MUCH HARDWORK ALREADY SO DONT LET IT COME TO WASTE K! SYF, HERE WE COME! :D
Hmm, nothing much interesting interest me today! then physics, mr pang make us laugh like crazy la! Cos of hongyu and fongz! Then mr pang told us only if our whole class get a1 for physics then he'll sing for us. (who wants la please!) Heh.
Then had band at the foyer! Which is totally nonsense i tell you! All the sounds were bouncing back everywhere so it was damn noisy and loud and irritating! So we stopped practice early, then sir was like talking to us for really long. And after the 'talk', i felt damn bad and guilty! Why must they always give us all these 'talks' and make me all so sad and cry! D: But this is the first time i see sir like that. Then i understood like why he does things that way. Rattled on to Fongz while she ask me stuffs too. Urgh, enough of crappy stuffs!
Went back to band room and played around with mii wei and helping ehr take photos with ehr dunno-what-thing! She's damn funny i tell you!!! Then practiced with mae-ann and the radio then bus-ed to kovan with eileen, mii wei, mae ann, and melanie.
I REALLY WANNA GET AT LEAST A SILVER FOR SYF! I KNOW WE CAN DO IT! :) I hope we wont freak out there k! :) Pray, pray, pray! :)
Heysxzxzx! Back from dinner like dunno how long. But my tummy so full now! Becos of MY SISTER! Roarrrr. Anyway, had band today again. Then sectionals was fun! And for combines was fun too! Sir good mood and kept joking. HAHA. I think we really did improved! :) Hahha, im like repeating myself for every post la k. :S Having band on monday again. It's a little tiring but i can do it! :) I guess my piano teacher's gonna seriously kill me terribly tmrw k! Cos i this week practice super super little! Cos i practice my band stuffs then never practice piano! :O Ahhhh, but nvm. Once next week will be okay already! :D My irritating sister is bugging me like crazy now. Stupid idiot! So goodnightz.
Yay, i feel HAPPY today! Hahah, i know im like crazy? :S Went for sectionals. Actually not really la, its only me, mae ann, rachel and olivia! Had quite alot of fun! :D I finally got the triplets part right! But i think tmrw i'll get it wrong agian. :( Rachel she teach quite good leh, (but quite irritating)! Cos she made me repeat many many times. :) But she's still nice. Then she left. Then after awhile olivia left too! Then me and mae ann started playing/practicing! We on the radio practice but the praise variant the radio so so fast laaa! Then make me so gan chiong! And i learn how to play A LITTLE BIT of the snare drum! Yayyyy! :D Then bus-ed home with her after bbt adn snacks! :D Heh, im veh nice. I'll keep her unglam till i really needa use it! Hohoho! :P And then in the train today, i kept sms-ing mae-ann that when i saw train, i just ran to it, not realising it was the HABOURFRONT TRAIN. And i was suppose to go to SENGKANG. And i only realised at around serangoon! So i got off and boarded the correct train! Roarrrr! So kuku la! LOW LING YI!you're a nice nice nice junior! though you hold your saxo in a funny way, you still look cute!you're a nice sms buddy and i'll never forget how i first met you.shopping with you is fun and we should go out again soon :Dlove,me :):) From mae-ann on ehr blog! So sweet right. this is my 'online post it' reply! Hahah. And I totally forgotten how we knew each other! then now mae-ann is making me laugh like an idiot to the comp screen! Luckily sister's out, mum sleeping, papa overseas! If not i'll be like some retard! I shall reply your post it only tmrw! (keep you in suspense on what im gonna write) Hehehe. Having sectionals/combines tmrw! Go Lingyi, you can do it! :D 5 more days! :) Mosquitos keep biting me and my jiejie! So itchy now, and i keep scratching them. I know they'll leave scars but.. Haiya, who cares. x)
Hmm, had band again. :) Then super malu okay! :/ Urghh, i shant' embarass myself here. Then i had a veh bad news. D: Whats the bloody problem with them la. Want to do then do earlier, dont until the final week then do. *slams head against wall* Arghh, chill lingyi. Going for band tmrw again for sectionals/individuals. Just 6 days more and everything will be alright. Im really scared, the pressure's getting stronger day by day while seeing so many bands getting such good acheivements! :( VALERIE, NO MATTER WHAT, I'LL ALWAYS BE BEHIND YOU K. LUV YOU LOADSSSSSS. <3Short post yeah, sister is chasing me off comp now. Nightz
Today is a FUN day! Although have malay and stuffs but still.. Hhaha. Fongy and me were folding paper hearts during malay laaa! We fold many many hearts! But hr hearts all ncier than mine! D: Hahha, then had inline! :D At first we played dog and CONE(changed the bone to cone) Then so fun! Steve in our team then he stratagise all for us already! ;D Hehh, then afterthat still got free ride home! His car so nice leh! White colour misibutsi (dunno how to spell!) But inside he put dunno what thing, i guess is perfume la. Then smelly smelly one! Fongy also got free ride home! We made Steve like drive all around Spore leh! Heh! :P then Steve say i same era as him just becos i like aerosmith's *i dont wanna miss a thing* and *monsoon* by tokio hotel! Stupid right, please lor. I so cool leh! :D Hhaha, so reached home quite early. Oh and during chapel there was this talk thingy on hell. then for contact time, TT again started talking bout it. Oh man, hell suddenly becomes so real and scary! :O Nvm, i shall be good girl! :) And its only the 2nd day of syf and so many schools are getting GOLD or GWH laa! wthhh. D: