Lingyi :)
I'm coolio.
Lingyi :) I'm coolio.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just finished chiong-ing out stupid home ec. So damn stupid la please. Yeah anyway, had malay and inline today again. For the firsr time, malay teacher was late! Somemore by alot! Must be cos not happy mrs teo go scold her laaa! Hahah, WHO CARES. :D Yeah, so sat with Amanda and Chong behind and was playing like some stupid fellows! ;D Heh. But we also got listen leh. So guai! :D So the malay teacher was forced to release us early. Or else mrs teo will go after her! Heheh. :P Inline today was quite fun but my butt and legs so pain now! Then when i bend down, slightly above my butt area veh pain leh! *sobsss* So firstly was under Steve, doing the a-frame turn thingy. Then completed it and went over to Jon's side. The scooter one! I only know abit leh that one! D: Then Jon keep on telling his lame jokes! Hahah, but not funny one. -.-" Then played captain's ball after that. WITH SKATES ON OKAY! Then me and Valerie was the captains for the two teams. Meaning, we were opponents! Yeah, my team was winning at first. Then Steve joined Valerie's group and Jon joined mine. Hahha. They won by 1 point! Which majority is obviously just Steve and Jon playing laaa! Hha. But fell down COUNTLESS times okay. Damn pain leh! *sob**sob* Bus-ed home by myself after that. Dozed off while listening to music as normal but managed to wake up 1 stop before my stp cos someone 'ding dong' the bell! :D Then i nearly fell off the stairs la. Cos just wake up then blur blur one! :O Then start raining. But i protected myself more than my bag. So i wasnt wet, just a little. But my bag was .....! Hhaha, okok. Enough of nonsense. Bye, gonna sleep now! :) |